There are no discipline that you can give a 9 month old. His frustration is wanting to do more, not being able to communicate with you. Never are 9 mos old bad or trying to be difficult. He isn't testing you, that comes at 3 and he has NO concept of that right now at all. You need to find out if he is having tummy issues, if it is teething try the natural teething tablets, they settled my daughter right down and are all natural. My son was one that wanted to be held a lot and seemed "harder" then my daughter was but I can say something is going on if a 9 mos old is having fits for no apparent reason. Talk to his Dr too. Find soothers for him, sometimes it is a growth spurt or teething (which for some kids is really painful), right now just loving him, giving him the attention he needs is the best remedy!! There are several teething tricks, a cold rag (or one you have put in the freezer for a while) and let him chew on that, the teething tablets (they were life savers for me), small doses with permission of your Dr of Tylenol, even Oragel.
Hang in is when they hit toddler hood the testing will begin! :)