Wow! Lots of great answers here that I will definitely use, too.
I am pretty scattter-brained, too, since having my daughter. She just turned 3 and I still feel a little out of control. Some things I have done to stay organized are:
Put a whiteboard calendar on the kitchen wall (found at Target for $15) so all appointments, meetings, etc. are visible.
Small whiteboard on fridge (at Target for about $6-8) so when I use up the last of something, or see I'm running out I can write it down quickly. Then when I'm getting ready to grocery shop, I make my list from the whiteboard and add anything else I need.
I make a menu for two weeks and try new recipes and keep a list of the ones we like so I can rotate them in every once in a while to keep things new.
I am an avid couponer and have my coupons organized in a little tote that I take with me to the store. There are several blogs dedicated to grocery sales and couponing that are really helpful. I live in Colorado Springs, and I use to see what coupons and sales are out at the time and tailor my shopping list accordingly.
For chores, I use that same whiteboard calendar. I have a legend off to the side that has L = laundry, V = vacuum, B = bathrooms, D = dusting, etc. and then I put the letters up on the calendar so everyone knows what needs to be done each day. So, for example I have L on MWF, V on Sat, B on MWF, etc. It helps me stay on top of it and not feel too overwhelmed thinking I need to get everything done every day.
Good luck
P.S. Someone below mentioned mealtime makeovers recommended by Dave Ramsey, but that link took me to a weird site. I found the right link on Dave's site: