Read the book "Babywise." It worked for us and our daughter was on a great schedule, and sleeping through the night from 10pm to 7am at 7 weeks old. She is still on a schedule at 9 months and has always slept through the night. An idea for a 10 week old is feedings starting at 7am, every three hours until 10pm. Eat, play, nap is a great routine so try not to let him sleep after eating. It takes about a week to get the schedule going so don't give up...wake him up if it's time to eat and put him down for naps even if he doesn't show sleepiness. Same time every day. He may cry the first few days but he'll catch on and then you'll have a schedule! My husband and I looked at it as this: she is a part of our family and she will blend in with how our family works--not the other way around where we blend in with what she wants. She is the happiest baby and rarely crys...she knows when it's time to eat and knows when it's time to nap so she's never crying or cranking because she's confused or both tired and hungry. Plus, I know exactly when she'll start getting tired so that I can plan our outings around her naps. The baby will give you some sort of lead but in general he'll be on a 3 hour schedule with 6 full feedings and 5 naps that last about an hour with the last feeding at 10pm and straight off to bed. Good luck!