You said you met your final goal last year. Maybe you need another one - or a couple of little ones. Living life without goals is like running a race without a finish line. Sounds to me like you are in transistion. Maybe its a good time to just quieten and listen. Remember how as kids we lay on our stomachs across the swing and then twist it tighter and tighter, then let go for a spin ride? You've been riding but now the swing has spun as far in that direction as it can go. For a second you are suspended in space until the swing starts to slowly (then faster) spin in the other direction. Ive been were you are before. Its uncomfortable unless you change your attitude about it. Maybe you could spend this time gently getting attuned to what you next would like to do in life. Don't force it; it will come to you better if you just patiently listen. Write a list of all things you like (cinnamon toast, candles, polkadots, purple, nice cars, whatever). Then if you are up to it, write a list of all things you don't like. Every year since I first felt what you are feeling, I picked two rather useless goals and gave myself the year to get them done. They were things like learn how to dance the Tango (because of that great scene in Scent of a Woman), learn how to lipread so I could evesdrop at restaurants (I'm bad), attend dog training classes, learn about wines (so I wasn't ignorant at nice dinners), learn how to airbrush or make a vegetable garden, etc. Its fun and the years pile up and before you know it, you have lots of useless skills and conversation starters. So what!? Life can end in a second. What would you like on your deathbed to not regret not having done? You've done some big important things already. What about the little things? How good are you at sitting all day on the porch with an old lady listening to the birds and watching the cars go by? There actually is a lot to be said for that - and it isn't as easy as you might think to make yourself slow down for a minute and enjoy. Learn how to smell the roses. If you hate your job, find something you like, maybe even start your own company. That only costs $9.50. Don't worry. Change is inevitable.