Yes, you have put youself in a tough spot. the only quick fix remedy is to break his habit over a weekend, have your husband and other kids go somewhere else all weekend so its just you and the young one. Put him to bed, in his own bed, and give him something to drink if you want to but I think knock them both out. And then let him cry, he wont cry all night, but he will cry. And do it again the next night, but try a somewhat routine as much as possible with putting him to bed. The sooner the better. And also, if you have not tried something called a "diaper double" sold at Publix and Albersons, its like a pad but for a diaper. And dont give him so much in his bottles and just make it water, anything else is not good for his teeth. Its basically now or never, and if you dont leave him in his bed all night he will learn that as long as he cries long enough or wakes everyone else up mom will come get him. It will be hard, but it will be harder the longer you wait.