I have to say...this is why I think late-term ultrasounds are such a load of $hit. OBs use it as a reason to induce all the time and there's no evidence that it improves outcomes for babies:(
Here are two articles:
5-25cms is normal range for AFI's, do you know what your AFI's are?
Inducing for low AFI's doesnt improve maternal and fetal outcomes.
AFI's can vary depending babys position, baby's urine output for the day, fluids consumed orally by mom and the tech tha does the u/s. You can have two different techs do an u/s the same day and get two different readings.
If you orally hydrate and your AFI's go up there is definitley no reason to induce. If they don't go up, then you try IV fluids.
Doctors want to induce for low AFI's because they are concerned about cord compression. Obviously pitocin is worse than low AFI's, not all women with low AFI's have cord compression either.
Just think of all the women who never have routine late-term ultrasounds to "catch" low AFIs. If the baby is showing signs of distress before labor, or during labor, THEN intervene, don't induce "just in case" since there's no evidence things will turn out any better.
PLEASE remember that "Full Term" DOES NOT = "ready to live outside the womb. There are 38 and 39 week old babies born with underdeveloped lungs. And unless you know the day you ovulated, your due date can be wrong by up to 2 weeks, which means you could be only 34 weeks along, not 36. Educate yourself, talk it over with your doctor and know the facts before you get talked into anything just because you're scared of what might happen if you don't do exactly what the OB says at every point.
Good Luck!!!!