Yep. It's teething. It'll get better - it's only a super soaker every so often. :)
My son just turned 1 years old. His drool is like a faucet. My first child did not have this. He only has 2 teeth on the bottom and the 2 on the top are half way through. He is developing fine, all of his milestones have been very early and he even is already saying several words (point being his oral tone must be OK). At his one year visit, pediatrician says this can be normal up to 18 months since teeth are coming in this whole time AND he doesnt have many teeth so others are working on breaking through. Has anyone else had a drooler in this way??? I mean he is soaking through bibs!!! thanks....
Yep. It's teething. It'll get better - it's only a super soaker every so often. :)
Only at times. Mine was mostly a non-drooler. But my nephew was a super-drooler! Just remember, bibs are now his BFF!
Normal! At one point DD lived with a bib on because she drooled like a river!
Oh yes.. We changed shirts multiple times a day even with wearing a bib over them. It's normal for many kids. My son was born early and was said to have "low oral tone" meaning he kept his mouth open more than most babies, and that didn't help. He was a little saliva faucet!
normal for many kids!
Yep, our little guy was like this. He was drooling so much -- soaking through several layers of clothing -- that his chest was badly chapped and our pediatrician recommended prescription steroid cream. It got better after a month or so.
Good luck!