I so feel your pain. My daughter turned two in August and was a horrible sleeper...still not great, although getting better...slowly getting better :) She would do pretty much the same exact thing you describing yours do as well, and it really takes a toll on the family as a whole, in all departments. Initially, we went through a week of letting her cry it out at night. She was FURIOUS at us. Afterall, at the time I was still working and exhausted, and chose to bring her to our bed too, because felt some sleep was better than getting up and down several times a night with virtually no sleep, then she started playing in our bed, and that was where we had to draw the line, it woke us up, it woke my older son up, and it was just enough....sorry for rambling...anyhow, it was a week of HELL...(she also could climb out of her crib and pop the baby gate). We would make no ezye contact, and just lay her back down without saying a thing...not one word. She would scream 1-2 hours at a time when she would wake up. It was hard on her, and it ws hard on us, but finally she slept through the night. Now let me define sleeping throught he night with mine. Our daughter is a very "busy" girl, and very physical, and like her Momma, and her older brother to a certain extent, seems to require on the lesser end of reccommended sleep to function well. She is also a light sleeper like her momma, and has been since the day she was born. That being said, we put her down around 7:30, and will usually sleep until 4:30 when mu husband gets up for work, at which point she wants something to drink, and will usually lay back down until 5:30 when I get up, but then she just wants to sit on my lap and snuggle while I drink my coffee (big improvement from a few months ago as far as I am concerned...although I am looking forward to the day she sleeps until 7 am LOL). A few things I have found that help us tremendously are for one, making sure that she gets a lot of time out doors to realy run around and play (it is easier for me to accomplish this right now because I am currently staying home...I know it is much harder when one is working). Two, a mid morning nap, if she refuses to sleep by 11:30 am then I skip her nap and put her down by 7 p.m. Granted she is a little monster by 5 pm without the nap, but better a monster at 5pm, than at 2am is my motto. Three, no T.V. for an hour before bedtime, just bath time, stories, songs, etc. She get overstimulated very easily. We also switched who took over these particular responsibilities from me to my husband. For one, we didn't know what else to do, two my older son really needed some one on one time with me (lets just say my daugher has been a high needs baby from the get go), and three, he takes less games ffrom her, and she pulls less games with him as well. Four, I made up a special basket of quiet toys that we get out from the closet every night, that she is only allowed to have at that time, and leave next to her bed, and told her initially that if you cannot sleep you can play with these special toys that are just for night time. Five, I leave a sippy cup with water in there so she has something to drink when she is "thirsty" instead of screaming for mommy or daddy. Backtracking a minute, we also giver her a small bedtime snack...maybe a graham cracker and some milk, a string cheese. Six, we take her potty right before bed. Now if she wakes up, we wait a few minutes to see of she settles herself, if something is really wrong she persists, or bothering her, she persists...if it ends up being a game we sternly tell her it is time to sleep, everyone is sleeping it is night time. Now either play with your toys and be quiet, or go to bed. End of story, walk away, and let her be mad...beleive me the crying usually only lasts about two minutes now, it rarely goes beyond that, and if does because she is just in a mood, and sometimes it does, I do the very minimum with her the next day. If she asks to go to the park, or play outside, I tell her no, mommy didn't sleep very well last night because you wouldn't go to bed, I am too tired. I know that sounds like a lot of info. for a little kid, but they are far more intelligent than we give them credit for, afterall, they knew which buttons to push to get us up all night. Oh, and if your daughter is anything like mine, don't tell her it is okay to wake you if she is sick, or has to pee, because then she will scream about that all night to get out of bed. I made the mistake of talking about this whole situation to my mom in front of my daughter, not realizing that she absorbed every word, that very same night she stated with the I'm sick. If they are really sick, we know as mothers, they persist, they cry differnet, look different, probably acted off the whole day, so we as mothers are not surprised that they are calling out sick for us at night. I know how hard it is to hear your baby cry, it still makes me feel bad for her, but I also felt bad that my son and husband got less of me too because I was physically exhausted. Now, I know this is a long response but this part will be shorter. This is pertaining to if you are working outside of the home, because I have had both experiences with this. My son was a much easier going infant/toddler...but was a bad sleeper as well, some of it he couldn't help, a lot of ear/sinus troubles, and some of it was habbit. Well, he was two and half, and still waking up, although not screaming, just tapping me, and climbing into bed with us,honestly it hardly ever woke my husband, just me, and it only bothered my usband that we had a two year old in the bed. With him it was much easier...he loved Blues Clues at the time, and if he got out of bed he was not able to watch his favorite blues clues movie the next day, if he stayed in bed he got a chocolate chip (I know they say not to use food, but when you are as sleep deprived as we are, what's a chocolate chip right). Well, after about three days with no Blues Clues it stopped and he has slept through the since. I'd say try the latter approach first, if she is easy going and see how it goes. Hang in, and I'll keep my fingers crossed you sleep :)