I was 20, when I got my first care of mastitis. I got it several times until I was 25. I had to be hospitalized the first time, for a little over two weeks. I didn't know what it was, and I was in college. I felt really terrible, but it was during exams. I thought I was just getting a virus or something. Then, one day...I looked at my breast after the shower. Red spot. I was freaked out, but had an exam the next day. By that night my entire breast was red and hot, so I went to the ER. The internalist and breast specialist who came to see me over the next two weeks, said it's the worst case they'd ever seen. My immune system was low, because of the mastitis...so I developed cellulitis on the breast also. Yep. AWFUL. 2 weeks of IV drugs, and prescription drugs when I got home.
I was told, red is inflammation. (Bad.) Hot is infection. (Bad.) AT the very least, she needs to get it looked at. I went through the routine cancer checks, because mastitis can mimic an aggressive cancer. Thankfully, mine was just a nasty infection. She should get it checked for that, just in case. She should NOT let mastitis go. It can get bad so fast. Most people do need a prescription to clear it up. I knew the signs, so all of my cases after the hospitalization only required a prescription.