Hi Kathy,
I've read some of the responses and I've also read your request, and it's a little confusing between leave and pay. The FMLA provides for 12 weeks unpaid leave if the company has at least 50 employees.
To the best of my knowledge, it's been several years since I've done any research on this, the State of CT does not require a employer to pay any "vacation", "maternity", "sick" etc. This is why an employer does not have to pay you unused time if you quit. I would check the Connecticut Dept. of Labor website www.ctdol.state.ct.us
The most important thing to check is the company's personnel policy.
This is a bit sneeky, but at least she'll get paid for the time she's earned...tell her employer that she intends to return back to work in the same capacity she currently works. If her employer is paying maternity pay for the full 12 weeks, she should request to add on any vacation time to that period. After the 12 weeks are up, she should return to work for a week, after that week is up, give a weeks notice or after a week, inform them that working full-time is too demanding and request part-time hours.
Another thing. Many times maternity pay is paid as "short term disability pay" thru Health Insurance. If this is the case, then your friend would receive pay if she was on the insurance plan.