I know my sister has purchased out door furniture through SAMS close enough and it is really really nice. My inlaws got their tv through SAMS and neither have had any problems they just usually get older models so its not really to say that the quality is poor just that there is newer and better. I have 2 microfiber couches a love chair and a full sized couch and I LOVE them. It will attract some dog hair the area that has the most is where the dog lays BUT the good thing ive experienced is with the vaccuum extension it comes right off. I have a now 5 and a 3 year old and 2 dogs and it has had everything from milk to vomit to pee on it and i just use regular dawn, vinegar and warm water and everything comes up, even pen. I love mine and it is 7-8 years old and have A LOT of life left in them. We did get them from furniture row but I wouldnt really doubt the quality from COSTCO.