I liked my moby wrap, and the fabric is 2 ply and strong, I thought. To me it felt very secure and comfortable and also versatile, you can eventually carry baby on your back even. The thing I didn't like about the moby is that it was difficult to put on, not for your run into a store real quick kind of trips, but great for keeping him on you in the house for the day while you go about your business. I also have a hotsling (pouch style) and an ergo, and I have worn a a mei tai. The hotsling I really liked for how easy it is, but it gets uncomfortable after a couple hours, especially as baby gets bigger, and one arm isn't fully functional. The ergo is great for longer periods of time, and is comfortable for many more months than the pouch style, but is quite a bit more expensive than a moby. It's similar to a baby bjorn but constructed to be easier to wear so it doesn't hurt. Same with the mei tai. I think a mei tai is easier to get on and off also, but don't know how many months it is comfortable for, I just used it once when he was smaller.
You could always check online and see if there is a babywearing group in your area. We have one through Yahoo groups and I believe also through meetup.com. You can usually go to meetings and try out other peoples' and maybe find deals on used ones too. Just google (your city) babywearers or something like that. For what you are wanting to use it for I would look at either the moby or a mei tai. Both are comfortable and secure, with the moby being a much closer snuggly fit and the mei tai being easier overall.