My sister's son had a similar problem when he was 5 or 6 and she took him to the chiropractor. Cleared up right away. He's now a very handsome 24 year old.
I have 2 kids, now 13 and 16, who have received chiropractic care since they were 10 days old. The results have always been fast and amazing. Almost miracle-like...really!
Another she experiencing anything lately that may make her fearful or angry? Like possibly moving on to the next grade in school or any changes at home?
When the physical body develops any symptoms, there is always an energetic reason that causes it, like fear, anger, etc.
Get to the root of the fear, heal it, and the body will follow suit.
Talk to your daughter, ask her what's making her feel bad and really listen to what she's saying. They know....
Good luck!