I smoked until I divorced my husband (this past year).
Including when my son was in the pulmonary unit at Children's Hospital for 6mo. After doing a quick test to make sure he's not allergic to it, and a longer test to see if he's reactive to it (no to both)... His doctors told me NOT to quit then (or rather, not to stress about quitting, if I felt like it, sure).
Why'd they say that?
Because my son was dying, and he needed his mommy. Not a stressed out / in-withdrawal / freaked out mess. Just followed simple rules that I'd already done his whole life ((wear a smoking jacket, tie up my hair while smoking, sanitize & was my hands -the sanitizer removes the resins-, the soap & water the rest-, and brush my teeth/ mouthwash)). Took all of 1.5 minutes per smoke break. No worries. And THAT wasn't for him. It was for other kids in the area sensitive to smoke (my son wasnt). But, as I said, that's what I did anyway.
Honestly? Smoking saved my sanity during the 6mo my son was sick. I had the BEST support group of other parents outside. I thank God for them whenever I think of them. And... Even though I've quit... I still take a pack & some Nicorette up to the smoke shack every month (for broke parents, or stranded parents, who are hurting), as a way of saying thank you.
A year and a half later...
- My son is healthy.
- My ex is my EX (apparently getting divorced is less stressful than staying married)
... And I haven't smoked in 6 months or so (July... I don't actually count how long that is).
Am I giving you permission to smoke?
Nope. Not my place. If my sons doctors had said quit, I'd have handcuffed myself if need be. Mercifully... They didn't.
You'll quit when you quit.
When you need to.
When you can.
How you need to.