Mom Seeking Advice on Finding New Pediatrician

Updated on September 14, 2008
B.W. asks from Sunnyvale, CA
8 answers

Hi. My son's doctor is leaving and I am looking around to see if any moms out there can refer me the their pediatrician. We live in Sunnyvale, California and are considering changing from Kaiser to Blue Cross. So I am looking into doctors from both.

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answers from San Francisco on

I second the praise for Clifford Yee at Kaiser Santa Clara and also add my recommendation for Ella Reznik... they've both been great!

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answers from San Francisco on

I have gone to Dr. O'Malley in Sunnyvale for years. She's great. There are other doctors in her office that are also good if she's not taking new patients. Dr. Kaye is wonderful. Off the top of my head, I think the number is ###-###-####. If you can't get either of those, find out who is taking new patients and I'd be happy to tell you anything I know about them.



answers from San Francisco on

Clifford Yee at Kaiser Santa Clara (Lawerence Ave) is great! He is also the Chief Resident and has a one year old son so is not only good at what he does medically but also kind and compassionate as a new father too.

good luck!



answers from San Francisco on

I have a wonderful doctor for my children. She is in the same 'group' (camino medical group) as Dr. kaye, but she is at another location (D'Anza and hwy 85). Her name is Dr. Troiano ###-###-####. She is totally worth the drive it might be for you. We have gone to this medical group for 18 years and have always had immediate help to any problems that might occur (all 'well checks' too). The staff is very nice, helpful and knowledgeable. Also, anytime Dr. Troiano is not in the office and we need to see a doctor, all the others we have seen there at that location are great. Good Luck!



answers from San Francisco on

We go to Bay Area Pediatrics because they have offices at Mills Peninsula and also Daly City. They may be outside your area.

We live in San Mateo and drive to Daly City to see our pediatrician because they are that great. The staff is great and responsive.

I am a mother of twin 9 year old boys and they have taken care of them since they were infants.




answers from San Francisco on

I have a six month old and I go to Alto Oaks Pediatrics and see Dr. Debrah Babcock. We are very happy with her and her office staff. There are quite a few other doctors in the office so there is never a problem getting in.

Here is their info.

842 Altos Oaks Drive
Los Altos, CA 94024-5403
Phone ###-###-####



answers from San Francisco on

I have a great choice for you. Dr. Elaine Chen. She left Kaiser Milpitas just a few weeks ago to join the Camino Medical Group. She had been with Kaiser for 11 years. For several years running she was voted the best Pediatrician in Milpitas by those of us who live here. While we are sad to lose her, she should be available to you. She has two young children. She was my son's doctor since he was born 5 years ago. We loved her.



answers from San Francisco on

Dr. Bryan Drucker at Pediatric Associates (Good Samaritan Hosipital) is absolutely wonderful. He helped in diagnosising a tethered spinal cord on my daughter. He and the other staff at Peadiatric Associates are the greatest!

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