Sorry to see that things are not working out for you. I'll be home from church by 12:30 this afternoon. Give me a call.
You have the number.
I am seeking advice and or help! I came here last month so that my husband could go to MMI, but we can not find jobs and we just have nothing. There is no way for me at this point to keep a roof over my kids heads. In about 2 to 3 weeks we will have an eviction notice and from there I just have no way of doing anything. My mom is in Ohio and she is trying to figure out how to get me and the kids home. Does anyone know a cheep way to get me and the kids and our belongings back to Ohio. I just want to go home and forget all about this bad experiace. I feel like I am a bad mother for putting my children in this prediciment. I want to avoid being homeless and having that scar on my children for life. ANY IDEAS??????
I have made it back to Ohio!!! Thank you all for you help and support!
Sorry to see that things are not working out for you. I'll be home from church by 12:30 this afternoon. Give me a call.
You have the number.
It might not be the solution you want, but you may have to leave everything except the clothes that will fit into a car and drive back to Ohio. Things are just things. They can be replaced.
You would only be a bad mother if you were abusive and neglectful. Even if you made bad decisions, you will all grow from this experience and learn from it as well.
I cannot help you with how to get back but I wanted to let you know.
Talking through experience that being homeless does not scar children. They bounce back so fast you can not believe it. They use those experiences to help them in the future.
Look to them for encouragement and love. They will always love you no matter what.
Take care and good luck on making it back to Ohio.... You might also want to check with some of the churches in the area maybe they might know of something or someone to help.
Dear E.,
I want to send out a big hug and lots of support and encouragement. My heart goes out to you and your family. You must feel so overwhelmed and stressed about the whole situation. Feeling like you cannot provide for your children has to be very hard. The economy right now makes it difficult to find work. Things are difficult, but not impossible or hopeless. I want you to take a deep hard look within yourself and find the strength and courage you will need to move through this. You are reaching out. That's good. I hope that someone will be able to help you in the way you need most. What else can you do? Not just get through this rough time, but to actually create the life you want to give to your children and yourself? What will be different back in Ohio? I know you have your mom and friends..but will things really be different there? Do you think you have a better chance of finding jobs there? It is normal for many people to feel like they just want to forget the whole thing. Just want it to go away. Nobody wants to go through hard times. Often though, moving through those hard times really can make us stronger. I am sure being homeless is something you want to avoid. I know that it can very stressful for parents and the children. But very few people on this planet are excluded from being in the same situation. Keep looking at your strengths and your love for your children, and everything you have done and will continue to do for your family. Look at the kind of person you are. I am sure that all of that combined makes you more of a woman, wife, and mother than this one situation. Where do you gather your inner courage to keep going everyday? What do you want to show and teach your children the most? I don't know if going back home to Ohio or staying here is the best thing for you. Only you and your husband can decide that. But make that decision based on what your inner wise mother/father think. Not what your mother or friends or anyone else thinks. Focus on what you WANT and not on what you DON'T want. Are your wants realistic and true to who you are?
I used to be in social services and have a resource directory. I have no idea if the phone numbers or organizations still exist, but there are places out there that can help you get through. In the end though, it is up to you and your husband to create the kind of life you want. What are you doing that is working for you now? What are you doing that is not working for you? What behaviors or beliefs do you need to get rid of? In order to make any changes, you must first completely accept what is happening,and accept who you are as a person. You must believe in yourself first. Then act accordingly. Sometimes, we just need to act differently and stonger than we've ever done or been, then the believing and accepting ourselves naturally follows.
Here are a few resources I hope can help you.
AHCCCS Administration
801 E.Jefferson Phx
Health Care for low income persons/families
They can also help you get situated with food stamps.
Catholic Family and Community Services - ###-###-####
Assoc. of Az Food Banks - ###-###-####
YMCA - ###-###-####
May be able to provide short term help with kids. I don't beleive they turn away children for programs because of lack of funds. Sometimes it helps for children to be able to go somewhere for a few hours to just have fun and be kids. It gives the parents time to go out and do what needs to be done.
United Methodist Outreach Ministries.
They can help you with things from housing, short term shelter, access to government funded programs, food, diapers for your 1 yr. old, counseling.
I am sure that at least one of these organizations will be able to help you and your family.
I want to ask you one last and rather odd question that will require alot of imagination on your part.
I want you to close your eyes and imagine that tonight when you go to bed, after a long day, that sometime during the night when everyone is sleeping soundly, a miracle strikes your home and the result is that all the worries and anxieties that you have have disappeared. Just like the snap of a finger. They are gone. But because this happens while everyone is sleeping, nobody knows about this miracle of all the problems being solved. So when you are slowly waking up, what woudl be the first small sign that will make you wonder whether there was a miralce during the night? What would be different? How would you be different? Feel this in your body. Now, what would you do different if this miracle occured? How would your thoughts and actions reflect the kind of life you desire and require for you and your family?
Write these questions down. Write down your answers. Let them flow from your inner wise and Divine self. You will know what to do next.
Best wishes as you move through your journey. And know that you can only do the very best you can at any given moment. The trick is to observe (not judge) if you are really doing the very best you can.
Give and accept all things good.
In peace,
mom of 4. Birth and Parenting Mentor
Hello my name is S. M. and I just want to give you a site to look at regarding income. I know your looking for something now maybe you can make it work overnite. The site is ageloc.com give it a try if it is something that interest you email me at this address or go to www.jobfreedom.nsedreams.com . Good Luck!