HI N.,
I have personal experience with a reputable company, as we had a mountain of credit card debt about 5 years ago from various things. I talked to one of my creditors and they recommended this company. You give them all of you credit card info, tney call the companies and negotiate much better percentage rates. I even have a card at zero %. Believe it or not, we started out with around 14 cards. At the rate I was paying them down, we would have been paying on them for the next 40 years at least without adding to the balances. I had figured that out on my own and was just freaking out. We're down to the last 3 and expect to be done by the end of this year. While our credit rating is pretty good, until we finish with this we do not apply for new ones. We still get "pre qualified" offers. I file those in the waste basket! I kept one card (to rent a car, mainly) that didn't have a balance at the time. They are very good at talking with you and always keep me up to date. Yes, there are plenty of good and bad companies out there. I researched this one prior to signing on. They charge $35 a month (that's been the same all these years) to process the payments. You make your one monthly payment on time (we use direct debit) and about 5 days later the payments go out. You can choose a payment date, but try to make sure that the payment dates on you credit cards fall after that date so the payments are on time. You can call your creditors and ask to change the dates. Most are okay with that. Until you have everything set up, continue to make your regular monthly payments.
Here is a link to this company: http://www.takechargeamerica.org/Pages/default.aspx
Also, a link to consumer info:
A link to a third party org.: http://www.aiccca.org/
There is a simliar-named company that is a scam or least not reliable. This is the real deal. They don't judge you, they are really there to help. I woulnd't sign up with the ones on TV, they probably charge more per month to pay for all those ads.
Most people don't have as much debt as we did and will be paid off much sooner. You can also send them extra to put on a specific card if you can. It's hard to trust anyone these days, but I wouldn't recommend something like this if I hadn't had such a positive experience. When it's done, we'll have money to really save for our future and our kids. Finally.
PS I did try talking to my creditors to negotiate better rates and didn't get nearly the results TCA did.