Hello. You are very busy and no wonder you are stressed out. I can completly understand what you are going through. My advice is to look at what your husband is going through. It seems that he is probably stressed about alot of the same things you are and not wanting to verbalize them. My husband behaves the same way alot of days, he is better with the children when they get older or are little babies; toddlers are not his thing. I think you should talk to your husband and tell him how it is so hard on you. When I get very upset with my husband I have to write him a letter so I can get it all out. You might want to look into a mom's group or night out in your area. Alot of churches do a mom's night out with babysitting available. I wish you lots of luck and you have my sincere sympathy.
Also, I have found it easier to talk to my husband after bouncing things off of one of my friend's that is male. He helps me phrase things that my husband can relate to. I noticed that there is a stay at home husband on this cite, I believe is name is Ron, he might be able to help u phrase things that your husband can relate to. I hope things get better.