I think it sounds like she's ready - I just trained my 2 year old daughter, and she was doing many of the same things. We had a few accidents at the beginning, but she was nearly accident free (including car trips, nighttime and naps) within less than a week. Here are my suggestions:
- Accidents will happen - don't stress about them! They're a much smaller deal than you fear. If you have to go to your baby, go to your baby. I have my 6 month old in my arms many times when I'm needed to wipe a butt after a poo.
- Put her in underwear all of her waking hours when you are ready to start. Let her wet and mess herself, just take her to the potty each time, sit her on it, don't scold, change her, and dump the poo (if any) in the toilet, showing her that's where it goes. Think of each accident as a learning experience she'd never get with a diaper or pullup on. She will learn to detect the need to go SO fast this way, you won't believe it! Gerber makes some wonderful thick training underwear, they are somewhat absorbent and super soft.
- Have her sit on the potty every 30 minutes at first, but I bet you she will start telling you she needs to go, or running for it herself within a day or two.
- Stay at home for a few days to train, but then start taking short trips out, but always keep an extra pair of underwear and pants with you.
- Reward her with something small each time she goes, as well as at random intervals when you feel her underwear and they are still dry. Don't scold for accidents, though. We used 1 choc. chip for pee, 2 for poo.
- Use pullups only for naps and nighttime, when the pullups start staying dry when she wakes up, you can start leaving her in underwear at those times too. I trained my daughter starting Jan 1st, she's been in underwear at naps since about 2 weeks into it, and just started having underwear at night too. We only used one pack of pullups.
- Pull-ups are not a good potty training tool in my opinion. They just extend the diaper wearing period. Use them as little as possible, or they will be treated like a diaper by your daughter and you've wasted a lot of money.
- Be ready to hit the public restrooms when you go out! A little portable potty seat is a great investment. I didn't listen to my daughter at the grocery store recently (or rather, suggested that she hold it til we got home) and paid with a puddle at the checkout line. Oops! We do visit nearly every public restroom though, much more with her than ever with my son - he has always been one to hold it til home, where he's comfortable.
Good luck! I was so nervous when I potty trained my first (who's now 4) and the second time through, with my daughter it was SO much easier! I thnk when my youngest son hits two I'll be ready to roll. It's not nearly as scary as you think it might be.