Oh, this is a good one! Well, I have 6 year old twin boys. And you can only imagine the 2 cents I heard from everyone, but my response was always, "Have you raised twins?" If the answer wasnt yes, I disregarded pretty much everything. Even the Aunt that was like, "Well, I have raised 4 kids", yes you have with time to adjust and plan between them. I gathered my parenting skills from a few places, one was how I was raised and what I did not want to do to my kids, another was watching others mistakes, then theres new Technology and other ways to do things that have been pedatrician reccomended and then reading books. From the FIRST DAY my boys came home, they did not sleep in my bed, ever, and still don't. That is a place for me and my husband, not the kids, and boy did I hear all sorts of things about that. Im sorry, I just dont agree with kids in your room or bed, its the only room in the house they dont take over. That was my choice as a parent. I also have chosen to not give them red dyes, refined sugars, meaning teas, cokes, koolaid, etc. I chose this b/c there is scientific evidence that those things cause ADD/ADHD and there is no point in children having sugars/caffeine, they are naturally caffeinated. So you give them sugar and dope them with Ridalin, good job! Again, this is not 1965, I can choose to raise my children how I want. I did use pacies, but my reasoning was because my boys were 3 months early and it helped them learn the "suck,swallow,breathe" thing that most full term babies do. But I made sure that by 6 months, they were off them, that for them was technically 3 months, due to them being three months early. I also stayed home with mine, until they were 2. Very exausting, but I have never done the "babytalk", I have always found that speaking to them with expressions rather than a language they are never going to speak, helps with response from them. But, whether there is one, two or 9, there is always going to be someone, especially a family member, that is going to want to do as they please. My suggesstion is that you talk to her, not argue, there is no argument, your the mother. Let her know in the nicest way possible, because there is nothing in your wedding vows that says you cant be firm with your in-laws, that if she doesnt abide by the rules that you have set, that she will forfeit her time with him if she cant do as you ask. What will happen when hes 3 and you say no candy and she does it anyways? Its only going to get worse and you will only get madder as he gets older and more defiant towards you because of mixed messages. Its either the way you want it, or find a sitter. I myself, have found a sitter. And the kids can be with grandma, when I am there if she cant be respectful of what I ask. I say no red koolaid, she gives it to them, therefore not only is she going around me, which teaches even at a young age that they can go to someone else if you say no, she is blatently disrespecting me and my wishes, which means she has no respect for me. Pacifiers are bad, especially as he gets teeth, or them begin to break the gum line to come in, they will be bowed. Does she want that dental bill? Plain and simple, YOUR THE MOTHER. If she cant respect that, then I would find someone who will. Hope this helps!!