Let's see...maybe Star Wars (the older ones) but not the rest. DD loves dinos but Jurassic Park is too scary.
If your child can admit she is scared and doesn't want to see it, then don't push it. I think the Boogeyman in Nightmare would scare her and so might the kidnapping of Santa.
There are sites that say what movies are rated, and why. That might be helpful to you. Your DD might enjoy Ruby Gloom on Netflix, while another child can't stand ghosts. My mom held to some wacky standards sometimes. I don't approve of giving a child free rein (Goldmember is not a movie for 8 yr olds!) but sometimes you have to do your research and decide if it's right for YOUR kid and teach them to say, "Nah, I'll watch it when I'm older. How about Matilda?" instead.
I did allow my toddler to watch Up and stopped the movie and explained it to her when she got upset about the kidnapping of the bird. And she watched Tangled when she was a few years older. Even G movies are iffy sometimes (we have not seen all of Bambi together).
Honestly, ratings kept me from seeing a different movie at my friend's house when I was 12 ever since then I have loved the alternate movie her mom rented - The Princess Bride. You never know what they'll like that they CAN watch.
Another thing I bear in mind is that a friend grew up on horror movies. Enjoys them. But admits that they freaked him out more than he wanted to admit as a kid and wishes his parents had done more screening. Do I want DD to wish she'd seen the movie...or wish she hadn't?