OMG! this sounds like a instant replay. My daughter is 2 1/2 and same thing has always slept great in her crib, and with her lambie. She never like to sleep with me, the car, stroller, nor did she really like the port a crib. But when we would travel, I just made sure I took a pair of pj's that she had slept in at home, and her lambie (of course) and try to keep her on her schedule. same nap times, eating times, same bed time rituals. bath, story, rocking and music. Fortunately and Unfortunately she is with us most of the time, every once in while she naps at PaPa house. I've had to make it very clear to keep to her schedule or she won't sleep and that will make us miserable later and if it makes us miserable she won't be back to visit for a while. I have had a babysitter she goofed the schedule up and my 2 year was still awake waiting on us at 11p.m.. Um one more thing I always try to tell her when we are going to travel exactly what we are going to do and that things will be a little different and telling her up front seems to help even at 12 months it did. In hotels or at someone else home, I always try to find the quiet darkest corner to put her in, and if she can get her own room she actually sleeps beter. I think she may be a lite sleeper and that's why she wakes up in the night. Good Luck...(And aren't we lucky to have great sleeper and napper most of the time)