Yes, dear, you have babied him entirely too much. The child will rule your house, if you allow him. If you always give-in and/or simply distract his attention to something else, instead of laying down your rules, you are not doing him well. Children are born TOTALLY selfish, and will demand that he be
# one, with every adult who will allow them to do so. If you expect him to make it in this world, submission to authority is the greatest of life's lessons. We want them as teens to submit to the law, but we don't teach them as 2-yr-olds, and it makes it difficult, if not impossible during their years later. Sara Wesley, one of the greatest mothers who ever lived, (raised wonderful children) "conquored" her children by the time they were two. You must face the battle with your son, and win it a few times before he will believe that you are an authority figure in his life. He has evidently lost a few "battles" with his Dad, and immediately respects his Dad's authority. He will do the same with you, after you win a few battles. The sooner the better, because you are a couple years behind. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Sit him down and explain that you will no longer allow this or that, look him in the eye and speak firmly, and make the very next time he disobeys MEMORABLE for him, a RUDE AWAKENING he will not likely forget. When you do that a few times, with firm reminders of your love, but giving him what is necessary...(he gives you no choice), then he will begin to respect you because you are in authority. If you can read a few of Dr. James Dobson's books, they would help...His "Tough Love" is very the one for now.