You must have read my mind... I just called my husband at work this afternoon begging him to come home early because our 3 1/2 year old son is requiring so much of my time and attention and it's making me so mad, I was afraid I was going to go berserk. We just moved to Ohio and have an 11 month old daughter, who like your son, is just too little to play that much. Besides, playing with her always ends up with something being chucked at her face. We don't have that many friends here (yet) so playgroups and play dates are out. My son is in preschool and those moms literally won't talk to me. But that is another post...
I read through the responses and first, shame on the moms who are criticizing you for wanting to clean up, too! Sure, you don't need to mop your floors every day, but you do need to do dishes, right? Duh. Second, I just had a brainstorm. I have been putting our daughter down for a nap and then rushing to get all my chores done so that I can spend the remainder of the nap one-on-one with my son. I end up spending sometimes 2 hours playing trains, painting, reading, etc., spending real quality time with him. And then I have to go to the bathroom. He starts to scream and even hits and BITES sometimes just because I need to leave the room for 25 seconds! It is unbelievable. I am so angry and mortified, he treats no one else like this EVER.
So tomorrow I think that as soon as the baby is asleep, I'll start out by playing with him instead of starting with chores. I'll set the timer for say, 30 minutes, and then when it rings he'll have a choice - keep playing alone (or even bring the toy to the kitchen) or come do chores with me. I'll have to brainstorm the things that he can do, but maybe he can dry the plastic dishes or "help" me make the beds. He does love helping sort laundry, so that should work. Then the "chores" timer will be set for say, 15 minutes, and when it rings it'll be back to playtime for another 30 minutes or whatever. Hopefully I can ultimately increase/decrease the time so that play time and chore time will be equal. He does eventually need to learn to be self-sufficient, right?
Thank you so much for this post. I seriously was at my wit's end today, I was so sad that I was doing everything I could but was still getting it wrong. This has helped me to look at my problem a different way and come up with some new ideas. I hope it might somehow help you, you've certainly helped me!
Good luck :)