My 6 year old goes to bed at 8:00 and gets up between 6:30 & 7:00 (we homeschool).
You can't actually force her to go to sleep, but you can make her stay in her room, quietly. First, you need to decide what things she really LOVES. Make a list of 3-4 things (playing with friends, dance lessons, soccer, playing outside, riding bike, etc). Make a chart listing the activities along the top (in order from least important to most important), dates or days along one side, and boxes under each activity.
Sit her down and tell her your expectations. In other words: "You will go to bed and stay quietly in your room at 8:00 (or other time you choose) and you will be up, dressed for breakfast by 7:00 in the morning". Tell her she may leave her room once at night for a necessity (drink, bathroom). If she is noisy or leaves her room more than that, or she fails to get up and ready for breakfast in time, you'll place a check in the first box for that day. If it gets checked, she loses that privilege/activity for a day. Keep checking more boxes if need be, until all 4 are filled. If she gets all 4 checked, she gets to go to bed an hour earlier the next night.
It's important not to warn her, nag or get upset when she fails to follow the rules. Just make the check and remind her about the rule and why she's getting the check. You want her to take on the responsibility of getting to bed and getting up. Expect resistance and even protesting the new rules and consequences. If the activities are really important to her, she'll eventually decide that it's in her own best interest to go to bed and wake up on time.
Good luck.