At 6 months old, your baby should still be taking a morning nap, as well as an afternoon nap. Both of my kid's schedules looked like this: sleep 7:30 p.m. to 7 a.m., nap at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. My son napped for an hour for each time, and my daughter naps for an hour and a half. I think baby's sleeping habits change around 6 months. Now is the perfect time to get him on a new schedule. I agree about researching self-soothing methods and putting him down in his own crib for naps and at bedtime. It's better sleep for everyone. We swaddled both of our kids, rocked them a little while to calm them down, and then lay them down in their cribs. My son went to sleep with soothing lullaby music playing, and my daughter gets too excited by music, so we put a fan on in her room. Both of my kids were/are exclusively breastfed, so I don't think nursing is the issue in itself. I decided to nurse after my children woke up, so they wouldn't associate nursing with going to sleep. I think changing your nursing routine would help. It usually takes at least 3 days for a baby to get used to a new routine, maybe even up to 2 weeks. So whatever you do decide to do, stick with it. Good luck!