Bacuse of the fact that he was "premature" was alot to handle and now this. Just sit back take a deep breath and breath out. It's gonna be okay. Try for 10 minutes a day to work with him. Hold him upright and while you do that move his arms and legs. If you have a "Boppy" sit it along side the coroner of the couch upright. place you're son there and he sould be sitting up. do this a coulpe of times a day. It will help gain his muscles in the back, without you having to hold him.
I know the doctors are making you fustrated and sometimes you feel like it's you're fault and that you're not doing what you should, BUT IT'S NOT SO DON'T THINK IT. you're gonna cry. You're gonna think that everything is falling apart. YOU AS A MOTHER ARE DOING THE BAEST YOU ARE FOR YOU'RE CHILD.
You might want to ask the doctor for a list of physical child develpoment classes. HE CAN'T SAY NO.
Do not feel bad my son is 2 and looks like he is one, but walks and talks like a little man. Trust me I had many of those nights where I felt like I was doing something wrong.
IT does get better