I have had 6 children and breastfed them all. In every case my period came back around 8 months after they were born. Sorry!
I've been breastfeeding since my baby was born. She's started eating baby food & decreased nursing. My period just came on yesterday for the first time in a long time. I think it's due to the decrease in nursing. Plus, I found out we've been over feeding her w/ the baby food, so I've got to decrease that & increase nursing which will increase my milk supply. My Question is: Has anyone ever has this happen & ended up w/ the period fading off again?...
I have had 6 children and breastfed them all. In every case my period came back around 8 months after they were born. Sorry!
um, 1st of all you should've had your period the whole time i think?...pretty sure. i only breastfed for weeks, she never took it full time. she also had bottles. I'm sure the return of your period is bc of the slow in breastfeeding. but instead of nursing her more, she's 8 mo? she should be eating baby food too. 3 or 4 times a day. baby food is healthy for your child, just as well as nursing. dr's say no, but its so not true. my child can speak to you like a 25 yr old. answer any question you ask, in full detail. is one of the smartest kids i know & i hardly ever listened to the dr when it came to my child. for 9 mos she had tons of ear infections and they could never "figure it out"...i did all by myself. she had some problems in her inner ear and had to get tubes (a very common problem with children). the dr is not always right. you're her mother, trust your own instincts. YOU ARE HER MOTHER!!!! mother always knows best.
Give your child a hug and thank GOD she's healthy. learn to start hating your period again. and go w/ whats right in your heart. if the child is hungry, FEED HER!!!!
While exclusively breastfeeding one of my daughters, I started having regular periods again when she was 10 or 11 weeks! This happens in some women and others don't have a period for many months. It has been different with both of my children. I did find that every month just before and when I started my period there was a severe decrease in my milk supply which seemed to return okay with a lot of work, but then the next month I'd experience the same decrease. There are several ways to increase your supply which I'd definitely give a try if you'd like to continue breastfeeding for a while. Drink plenty of water (but don't overdrink), nurse more often, pump in between feedings, drink Mother's Milk Tea by Traditional Medicinals and there is a product you can buy at Whole Foods and other natural food stores called More Milk Plus by Motherlove. I hope this helps!
with my kids with my first my period returned (well actually I got pregnant and never had a period, but obviously I started ovulating. lol) aroung 8 months, with my second aound 9 months, with my third around 12 months and my 4th around 11 months. With all of them it was around the time they were sleeping better at night and eating more regular food so nursing less. I nursed them at least 12 months, some a bit longer, but no I don't think it goes away once it has returned. I believe you're stuck with it. And it's pretty normal for it to come back around that time.
I am sorry to say that I have four, and regardless of frequency of nursing once my period came back, it was back to stay.
Sucks, huh? The least our bodies can do is give us that time off completely while we dedicate it to taking care of our babies! :)
Well, that sounds about right. I think you officially have your period back. Fun Fun. This is the exact time line I had. For me it just came back and that was it. Some people may experience something else. It just seems to come back when its ready and I don't think there's anything to be done for it. Wish you the best.
Hi R.,
Well, I believe the period is back on track. I have breastfed my son for 2,5 years. I did breastfeed exclusively untill he started solids and I believe that was the time my period kicked back in. Though it was highly irregular. It would last for only 2 days and disappear for more than 2 months and then show up again with an interval of 6-7 weeks. I couldn't count on a pattern at all. All in all that irregurality took about a year and it got more or less to normal schedule after that.
Enjoy your baby!
Don't increase nursing!!! By 8 months she should be eating and getting exercise. Is she crawling or walking? It takes time to "lose" the baby fat unless she is grossly overweight. Don't decrease (by a lot) of the baby food.
I gave birth in Nov 2007, exclusively breastfed and my period came back in Jan 2008. I am still nursing (twice a day -- morning and night) and still having my period. Everyone's body is different so you may continue to have your period or it may fade again for a while.
My period has been in and out for months. Lol. Any my daughter is a year old...everytime she starts nursing a little bit more it disappears...
I really think everyone is different. I nursed my daughter and bleed just about every day for 6 weeks straight while I did! I nursed my son as well but didn't start my period till I had to wean him due to a repeated plugged duct. So I'd say you have a 50/50 chance of it fadding off or not.
Question for you, how do you over feed a 8mnt old baby food??
It may or may not fade. My 5 month old has been exclusively breastfed with no supplementation and my period started 8 wks after he was born. Everyone is different and breastfeeding doesn't always guarantee that the period will stay away.
I have had the same thing happen and yes I did get my period to go away by reducing food and increasing nursing. By the way there are no rules about when to feed. We purposely put off anything other than breatmilk until our children were 12 months old (or as close as we could with some) becuase we both had food allergies as children and my research indicated that the later you introduce food the less likely they would be to get allergies to food and the recommended time was waiting till one year. It worked well but my point is that you can reduce food and increase breastmilk and your baby will still thrive...the choice is yours! Do what works for you and this child and what others say as guidelines...there is no right for all children!! Frequency of feedings also seemed to make a difference. I breastfed all 11 of our children over a year.
my period came and went the entire time i was breastfeeding. I got my period 8 weeks after having my baby, and then didn't have it again for several months.