Yes, go to JAG with the letter and tell them your conversation with the lawyer. A lot of collection places try to pose as lawyers to scare you into paying the debt, you should be a legal resident of SC and SC is not a common law state when it comes to debt. Meaning your hubby can't be forced to pay your debt you incurred before you got married so don't give them ANY of his info. JAG will probably have you send them a cease and desist letter which will tell them not to contact you by phone-mail only, and to prove that any attempts to contact you failed and that the debt is yours. They will have 30 days from the postage date of the letter to do this. If they don't, then they have to leave you alone and remove anything they have put on your credit reports. This is not to say that another collection agency won't pick it up later down the road. And you'll have to go through this same process with them. And if they try to call you, either don't answer the phone or tell them you are contacting a lawyer and hang up.
How do I know all this???? Well, I have debt collecters trying to get me for $700 for a Sears card that I had paid off back in 2000. I have gotten the threating phone calls that they were going to garnish my wages (I don't work) and when told that they said they would call my hubby's command (we are military) and take it from him! Can't happen! I've sent the cease and desist letters and I've also sent copies of my paid off letter from Sears to places too. They other reason is that I had a Credit Card that my daughter's father got a hold of and ran it up after we seperated (we were never married either) so I have a constant battle with that because I refuse to pay what I didn't charge and I didn't know that it happened till I got collection letters because I had moved from IN to SC when it happened and I had a zero balance on that card at the time-so I thought!
Good luck and don't let these collections guys scare you! I've delt with some real areses and they can get pretty rude! Go to your legal dept on base and see wha they can advise!