Absolutely, this could be related to the new daycare. There are (in all probability) new routines, new children to interact with, etc. Since it has been a short time since she gave up the bottle, she remembers feeling comforted by it, and is asking for something comforting as things in her world have changed.
This doesn't mean you have to give in, though. You could simply talk with her about how she is feeling, helping by giving her words for it and offer to let her pick something else as a "comfort" toy.
For example, "I know you're at XXX school now. Do you miss Miss A's school?" "Are there lots of new things and people at Miss A's?" "Does that feel a little scary?" Now, excitedly: "How about if we pick a special friend for you to hold when you feel that way." (And select 2-3, for her to choose from.) "You're a BIG girl, and don't use a bottle. But, whenever you feel worried about school, you can have _______(name the new friend.)"
Hope this helps!
Whatever you do, this is a phase, and if you aren't too anxious about it, this too will pass.
Good luck!