Trust me!! I can relate!! Also trust me when I say that she may never feel about herself the way she did. I'm 38..I found out 2 years ago! I was devastated. There is a stigma that goes with any STD..that somehow your "dirty"..or "nasty" etc. I considered myself to be overly careful and really haven't had many different partners. It happened! My current relationship has lasted for over 2 years...My partner also has it. We don't know who passed it to who and we try not to place blame.
I have multiple breakouts, my partner never has any. Mine are excruciating sometimes. I feel unattractive, I feel anything BUT sexy..Even with all the research I've done, knowing I'm not alone and that many women have this, I am still bothered by it. Give your friend time. Please be supportive of her decisions! Don't make her not wanting to date an issue. When she's ready and on her own terms, she will deal with it. Showing her statistics on the Internet may help. I don't know if she's ready for a support group, she sounds like she is very ashamed. I know what she feels like. The acceptance has to come from her. It sounds like you are a wonderful friend..that's what she needs from you! Just don't try and force anything....it may backfire. Good luck to you and to your friend.