To ME (who is NOT a doctor), that sounds like 2 things...strained tendons (or inflamed tendon sheaths), and either a sinus or eye or tooth infection.
It COULD of course, be something completely different, and be related to each other...but I'm with you...I only tend to have insurance maybe one or two months out of the I tend to prefer to not eat ramen for a week...unless I have to.
One thing to do is this: CALL your doctor and speak with the nurse, to make sure it's not indicative of anything you should be seen immediately for (like a heart attack, or the HeebiusJeebius -aka, whatever- ;). Calling the office is free. So is calling the nurse advice line at any hospital (Evergreen is my favorite for adult questions, Childrens' obviously, for the wee ones).
A) Inflamed tendon sheaths/ Strained tendons: Ice, heat, rest (using wrist braces would actually be best), and take ibuprophen (Advil/Motrin) to help reduce the inflammation.
The typical dosage for screwed up tendons is 600-800mg (3-4 regular strength pills) every 4-6 hous. It's not something you would want to take at that level for very a few years...but for example those are the only 2 doses you CAN get from the docs if you're in the military...and they frequently have you take 1200 mg. Ditto for athletes. 600-800 mg is pretty basic.
It typically takes about 4-6 weeks for screwed up tendons to get back to 100% IF you haven't torn them...which doesn't sound likely.
BTW...a way to tell if it's the sheath or the tendon...feel up the muscles on the inside and outside of your lower arm. If you find any spot or whole cord that goes "OW!!", you've got a strained tendon. If all the pain is concentrated on your wrist, but you don't find sore spots up your arms, it's typically an inflamed sheath. It's also possible to rip the tendon away from the bone (like shin splints). Wheeeee! You treat those the same way.
B) Some of my sinus infections (I'm prone to them), are clear fluid. And some are NOT bilateral (both sides). So I'm biased when I hear those symptoms, based on long personal experience. OTHER things that I could think of that they might be are: an eye infection with the ocular/trigeminal/or facial nerve is stimulating a response in your sinus,....a tooth infection (my husband gets a pseudo-sinus-infection whenever he needs a root canal) ear infection....oh goodness, the list just goes on, but those are the big 3 that leap to mind.
IF it's a sinus infection AND it's strep, saltwater is one of the BEST things to do. Salt kills streptococci like nobodies business. There are neti-pots and sprays/drops you can use. There are very few infections that I know of that are it's a good first round of "let's see if this works".
So, too, ORIGINAL Sudefed(pseudoephedrine)is possibly the worlds best sinus decongestant. Sudefed PE is just an antihistamine, and not really that efficacious anyway, and if you're already using Claritin to no good effect, Sudefed PE isn't going to touch you. You do have to have ID and get pseudoephedrine from the pharmacist...but you don't need an Rx.
For teeth, ears, and eyes...that's a trip to the doctor/dentist as far as I know. The only home remedy/treatment I know for teeth is biting on a whole clove for a toothache (mild analgesic), and having someone blow cigarette smoke in your eye about once an hour for an eye infection (gone in about a day on average, vs 3 days with drops and a week without anything...and that's a military trick...obviously not one they teach in school).
I hope some, or any of this, may help. REMEMBER Call your nurse advice line first to rule out anything that you should come in immediately (and deal with ramen) for.