Is she nursing on demand?
Is she teething?
Is she over tired?
All of these things, can affect sleep.
Also at this age juncture, it is a growth-spurt time and often teething happens, and also the baby is hitting milestones per motor skills and cognitive awareness.
All combined, this tweaks a baby's sleep. And ability for that.
Nurse, before naps and sleep. Then on-demand 24/7. Intake has to keep up with baby. They are growing a ton.
When are you putting her to nap?
A baby this young, typically gets tired after waking, after about 2 hours of being awake.
If over-stimulated, they also have a harder time sleeping or falling asleep.
Even during the night, feed on demand.
At growth-spurts, they get hungrier and feed more frequently.
And if she is teething, then well its hard for them. It wakes them too.
Or does she have gas? If so then Mylicon Infant gas drops helps a lot.
Also, where does she nap?
Is it quiet?
My daughter for example, would only nap AT home, IN her crib. Or I co-slept with her.
My son, would ONLY nap, AT home.
My kids were not 'portable' nappers. They would NOT nap, outside on the go or in a stroller or in a car. ONLY at home, they would nap.
Also for my daughter as a baby, it had to be QUIET. She was noise sensitive. Even a toilet flushing down the hall, would wake her.
Also, IF your baby sorta wakes and tosses/turns, then just wait. She may go back to sleep on her own. Babies, do toss and turn or make noises while sleeping. Or intermittently. But it may not mean... that they are awake awake. Just intermittent noises. But IF your baby is thus screaming/crying and AWAKE, then try and soothe her... before fully waking her and picking her up.
My son, at that age, would routinely make noises/sort of wake 1 hour into his nap...but if I let him go about his own rhythms, he WOULD go back to sleep. And he napped for 2 hours. Still does. BUT if I interrupted his rhythms, he would awake... and not wake well.
I KNEW his sounds.