don't let him down for that small nap in the a.m. keep him going.. around 12:30 after he has eaten some food... then put him down.. with a full belly he should sleep better. my daughter would go down after lunch for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.. my son was different.. he would wake eat breakfast - stay awake about 2 hours.. then sleep for 2.. eat lunch stay up 2 hours again... then sleep for 2 or 3 more... he was a sleeper.. she wasn't so one nap was best for her.. otherwise she would take a few 15 minute or 20 min. naps.. so i preferred her to take one longer nap.. good luck.. also is she in the excersaucer or something to make her tired... i used the jumpy seat on the door frame.. and my daughter would jump all over.. she loved it and it would make her tired.. so she would sleep better.. also are you feeding her food.. like baby food.. if not.. start.. most babies need food at this time.. not just formula or breast feeding.. they need afull belly...