I am not a fan of the rocking /snuggling a child to sleep. I totally get why we as Momma's want to, but for the kids I say dont' do it...my experience is as a daycare provider..and with my own child (who I will admit has loved to sleep since day one...add to it now being a teenager, I am lucky if she EVER gets out of bed!)
But at least for my daycare kidlets (right now I have 6 kids age 4 and under asleep in my house)...we eat lunch, change diapers/go potty (and the 10 mos old drinks his bottle while I get the others doing that..he holds it himslef and lays in a crib, lights on as we move around him). Then its everyone to their bed, very dark rooms with a radio on. Thats it. No discussion, no nuttin!
Everyone sleeps at least 90 minutes, but today is problaby a 3 hour day (we played out in the snow earlier).
Best wishes!