THere's a book called, 'Healthy sleep habits, happy child' that has a whole section on the post colicky baby. Maybe that would help. It has a lot of good nap suggestions
Where to begin. My now 4.5 month old was "colicky". I hate to even say the word but from 2 weeks to 10 weeks old it was a classic case: 2-3 hours of inconsolable crying everyday in the late afternoon evening, DIFFICULTY with daytime sleep (I would wear him in the Bjorn or swing, etc).
Here is the deal- he only sleeps 30 minutes! This results in like 6 naps a day- I spend all day trying to get him to sleep. This is difficult for me and my poor 3 year old. Luckily we have family close by to help entertain him. We do not go anywhere because I do not want to risk him not being able to sleep. I have a million sleep books and have always tried my best to make sure he is not overtired- which has meant putting him down every hour and a half. I have tried keeping him up longer (2 hours) but he usually sleeps even shorter!! There have even been times where it seems like he should go down after only being up 45 minutes- so based on his signs I'll put him down.
Up until two weeks ago I would have him sleep in the swing and try and have him fall back asleep when he woke up from his 30 minute nap- Usuall for one nap he would actually fall ack asleep (only if the swing was swinging kinda hard) but then seem really "off" for the rest of the day. I have been worried that I am not following his "natural rhythyms" SO the past two weeks I have been rocking him and putting him in his crib- which has worked out OK, except that sometimes he wakes up when I am transfering him and it takes a few tries (then he is up more like the 2 hours).
This has actually been going ok- he usually wakes up happy and will even play in his crib for awhile, he is usually content to play by himself, etc.
Night is usally ok with waking up once or twice- although sometimes he will awake really early or wake up and be pretty awake (only fall asleep if he is rocked and then might even still wake up as soon as he is put down). I know about putting them down early 6 or 6:30 if they are overtired- and have done this- only for him to still wake up.
I am not sure at this point if it is a normal byproduct of the colic or not being able to put himself to sleep. I have read other posts where their child cried 20 minutes just to have their 30 minute nap. I was planning on really trying to have him learn to fall asleep on his own around 6 months (I have not decided how this will happen- I did not have my 1st cry it out but he had an easier time falling alseep than this one).
This also makes feeding on any type of schedule crazy. So then I am not sure- hungry or tired??
To summarize:
Has anyone experienced this?
Opinions- sleep problem or just his deal?
THere's a book called, 'Healthy sleep habits, happy child' that has a whole section on the post colicky baby. Maybe that would help. It has a lot of good nap suggestions
Yes, with my first child. At six months I went through one week of allowing her to cry herself to sleep; both at night and nap time. When I had my twins, I started them off from the very first night to putting them to bed and them falling asleep on their own. Children need to learn to self soothe and we as parents often rob them of this. They received plenty of hugs, rocking and such at other times.
I had similar trouble with my babies, minus the colic. The short naps were making me crazy so I searched and searched for information about baby sleep needs. From what I found, babies go through sleep cycles every 30-45 minutes or so. Babies who learn to fall asleep on their own typically have an easier time going through the sleep cycles and can get themselves back to sleep if they are woken after a sleep cycle. Though with both of my babies, they had little trouble getting themselves to sleep initially, then woke after a sleep cycle and had much more difficulty getting back to sleep. I hate to say it, but the only way I know to get them through it is to let them cry. I found that going in to try to comfort them only got them fully awake and then there was no hope of going back to sleep, and no hope of longer naps. With my second baby in particular, his second month was awful for napping. He had such a terrible time getting through sleep cycles. But his third month, it got a lot better. And soon he had regular, 1 1/2 - 2 hour naps. I know most people don't agree with letting a baby cry, and most other moms I know couldn't bear the crying (I hated it, too, and cried some myself) so their babies were always short nappers. It's really up to you and what you're comfortable with.
I would suggest first to get your baby on a schedule. I know you said it was crazy and I can totally understand. But one great benefit of getting your baby on a schedule is that you will know what he needs and when, and you won't have to wrestle with trying to figure out if he is crying because he is tired or hungry. That is what I loved about scheduling. My babies never cried (except when napping! and only for a couple of months, maybe) because I knew what they needed and when. The routine I followed (or tried to) was feed, play, sleep. With a 4.5 month old baby, I think he should have a feeding every 3.5 - 4 hours if I remember correctly. And he should take two naps (morning and afternoon) with a short nap in the late afternoon if needed (I think it was right around 5 months that my babies no longer needed that short late-afternoon nap). After feeding (I always did the diaper change at this time, too), give your baby some play time and when he starts to stare off, or fuss a little, you know it is naptime. You said he only lasts about an hour and a half, which is very typical. From my experience and from all that I read, babies this age can only be awake for 1.5 - 2 hours at a time. So when it is naptime, put him down. As for letting him cry or not, you have to decide if you will do that. I'll tell you from my experience, that letting my babies cry a little at naptime did not damage them. They are very happy, well-adjusted, social, playful little boys who have a very close, loving relationship with their mommy and daddy. Now, I will say that I never "abandoned them to cry." I always listened to their cry and responded if it sounded alarming or different, and I checked on them after 10-15 minutes, gave them a little pat and "I love you" and "it's time for sleep." So as for his naps, do the best you can and what you're comfortable with. If you can only get him to sleep for half an hour, so be it, but still feed him at the next scheduled time, if possible. He will probably be tired right away. If he only naps for 30 min at a time, the feed, play, sleep routine will not work, but if you have him on a schedule for the feedings at least, then you won't have to worry if his crying is from hunger or tiredness. You may have to get a little creative with the feeding schedule to accomodate the short naps.
Some babies just have more difficulty sleeping than others, neither of my boys were easy, but one was a lot more difficult than the other. But with consistency and routine, they both became very good sleepers. I wish you all the best!
I have twins--my son was a terrific baby, slept normally, adhered to the schedule, was generally happy. My daughter was the opposite. She had terrible reflux and frankly hated to sleep during the day. Your post sounded just like her. Yes I think she had physical issues with the reflux that made it harder for her to daytime sleep--but the medication was very successful and she was a pretty decent nighttime sleeper. She would catnap too which meant I really never got a break having two babies. Books didn't help, advice didn't help. It was just her. She would take a decent nap if I held her on my chest--I think being upright helped and also the comfort of mom. This may not work for you with a 3 year old and it certainly doesn't let you get anything done in the meantime. It is a great time to read or take a nap yourself though if you can. By about 1 year when I forced the both to one nap she turned into a more reliable sleeper and would take at least an hour long nap (most days) though she did need to be rocked to sleep. Sigh. I feel your pain. It was agony not having her sleep. But that was just her deal.
My daughter only took 30 minute naps unless she was in the swing or in the bjorn. My day was exactly like yours, and I read a kazillion books. I went to my ped. hoping for a miracle and just got "don't let the baby get used to that swing." So I tried to not put her in the swing (I would only do this for her morning nap, so I could shower and feel like a human). It got worse!!! We dealt with this for 6 months and then bam, she stopped. What happened??? I couldn't tell you. It wasn't that she had a problem going to sleep, it was staying. She slept fine at night for the most part. The only thing I did different was at 3 months I started putting her down awake in her bed and started a sleep routine. I don't think that had too much to do with her sudden onset of naps, but I think it helped her sleep overall. I had read in one of my many books that their sleep patterns change at 6 months, 9 months, than again after their 1st birthday. I hope that one of those will be your magic number. I would work on putting him down unassisted at night (no rocking to sleep), simply because that is when it is the easiest. It might help in the long run. Also, I hope you haven't had to hear too many, "babies will be babies." That was my MIL's favorite answer to my nap woes. No one understands unless they have been in your position :) Good luck!
I am having issues with my 2mo old not sleeping more than 20-30 min after putting him down, also. What I have found works best for him (and ultimately me, too) is to check on him at the 20-30min time down and IF he is awake or waking, I pick him up quietly and sit in the rocker with him to quickly put him back to sleep. This has really been helping with him. I can usually get him back to sleep under 5 min compared to the 30min if he starts crying before I get him. Also, I check his diaper. He often wets while he sleeps and the wetness of the diaper will wake him. If I can get that changed before he wakes up COMPLETELY, he will easily go back to sleep, too.
Hope this helps you. Good luck.
I do daycare and I wrap all my little ones tight with a good size blanket and have never had any trouble they sleep well. I just started a baby in May (5 months old) which never napped long with mom and he is taking one 2-3 hour nap early. Gets here at 7:30 I feed him he goes down around 8 or 8:30 for 2-3 hours. Then he goes down again at 2 not sure how long that would be because mom comes at 3 and I need to wake him. He is 7 months old today. Just be careful that the blanket is not to heavy because of the heat and that the room is cool. Good luck and I feel for you my youngest 11 years old know had colic from a few days old till 3 months not fun.
hi! maybe try sticking to set times you want to put him down for a nap. what i did with my baby was put her down for a nap 2 hours after waking in the morning and then about 2-3 hours after waking from her nap. also try to feed him on a bit of a schedual (i know not all moms like to schedual but it may help in determining if hes hungry or tired) or maybe just offer him a few ounces before a nap. have you tried a paci? there are also colic tablets maybe those would help. also maybe talk to his pediatricain they may be able to suggest something. i think that you are doing your best and are on the right track! i hope you get some more great feed back! GOOD LUCK!!!!
Get him checked for Acid Reflux. My son had problrms sleeping...and that is one symptom of AR. Sometimes Reflux is not so apparent because some babies have a "silent" reflux. Other signs: is he pulling away from the breast or bottle and screaming after a couple minutes eating? You can try "Gripe Water"...found at Walgreens. It works wonders. It is all natural remedy for tummy aches and colic in babies. Otherwise I would talk to your Pediatrician about possible colic or AR.
Hi J.:
I feel for you. Neither of my girls were good nappers and now they are older, 12 and 4 and getting them to bed at night still isn't easy!!
Have you thought about trying things like the bear that has a heartbeat, or even playing classical music. It is very calming and can probably help the little one sleep longer.
I also found that when I had to get out of the house for something for my older child that my younger daughter slept fine. She would fall asleep in the car seat or in her stroller at the park or mall. The sights and sounds of the day actually made her go to sleep. So I would say go out and enjoy the day with your older child.
Good luck and remember this is only temporary. There will be light at the end of the tunnel.
My youngest daughter was the same way. She had reflux, so she slept in her carseat for the first six months of her life. Then, at six months, she outgrew the reflux and her naps became longer and she slept better at night. She's never been as good a sleeper as my older daughter - we could change her clothes, her diaper, even give her a bath while she slept! My youngest has always woken up during any transition, so we always tried to put her in bed to take a nap. I, or my husband, would lie down with her, and she slept much better. I know this is a tough period, but it WILL end. Unfortunately, just not as soon as you'd like it to. At 3 1/2 years, my youngest is still not the greatest sleeper, but she seems to be getting enough to be a happy, healthy kid. Good luck!
My daughter did this until 10 or 11 months old, the exact same thing. She is still a fussy kid! She came out crying and hasn't stopped since...just kidding. Joking aside, I know a lady with 10 kids, so I asked her what to do, and she told me that some kids are just that way! If it is any consolation, my daughter did start napping around a year old, and still does now at 4.5 years. Your child is just different than your first, and probably will get a little easier about it as time goes on. Don't let it drive you crazy, it will get easier!
Oh my gosh J. your child is exactly like my oldest!!! I wanted to laugh and cry while I read your email! My son Blake would only sleep for 30 minutes and that was as long as I held him. If I set him down he woke up. He was so high maintenance and so colicky too. DO NOT LET HIM CRY it won't work well actually it will you will teach him to not get his needs met and that is not what you want. I was only 23 when I had him and was bombarded with advice. Thank God I followed my instincts and wore him in the sling and MET his needs. He slowly became independent and less clingy and slept more. Like around 2. I know that a long time. He is now 11 he is an honor roll student who has an incredible character and integrity. He is loving and confident, funny and witty. He respects boundaries and is not spoiled! He wants a degree in business and he is a great football player. I totally believe my efforts to meet his needs is the reason he is so well adjusted. I remeber crying because I needed more sleep then him. I would be so frusterated about his lack of napping! So I know where you are at. I now have 3 kids a one on the way. My advice for you is buy the book "Attachment Parenting" and the book "Raising Your Spirited Child" I don't know when you are going to read them cause I now you don't have time:) Also don't get too caught up in what "EVERYONE" else says to do! God gave YOU mommy instincts trust them. The results come much later! Feel free to email me if I can shed anymore light on how my situation unfolded! ____@____.com
All The Best Good luck!!
PS If you are considering not going back to work I have a great income opportuntity to work from home!
J., I could have written this myself! My little one (now 13 months) was exactly the same. I don't think he ever napped outside of the swing or carseat for 6 months, and we could set our watches by his 30min nap schedule. I tried "crying it out" a few times, but he wasn't quite ready for it. Despite every strategy I tried, he eventually just grew out of it. At 9 months I let him cry for two minute periods, just when going to bed at night, and now he actually points to the crib after his bedtime bottle and puts himself to sleep. All of the sudden his naps started getting longer and longer, and rarely cries when going down. Bottom line is, I think it was just his time and he was ready all on his own. With my next child I'm not going to stress about it and just keep in mind that when he's ready he will get there! Hang in there!
Hey J.,
My name is K.. I read your post and I actually have a great solution! I am a mother too so I wouldn't give this advice unless I would do it myself! I have been a massage therapist for 5 years now and have met many people that are going through the same thing you are. It is tough because it feels nearly impossible to figure out what to do and when you are functioning on 30 min cat naps (I know exactly what that is like)you feel like you are a walking zombee. I don't know how you feel about chiropractic care,but I can tell you that it is highly effective in treating colicky babyies. The results are amazing even after just one adjustment. Chiropractors will even adjust babies immediately after they are born because their little bodies get so twisted during the birthing process. It is an extremely gentle experience. Of course I would recommend meeting with a few of them first before you decide. Make sure they come highly recommended and have all of their credentials posted in their office for everyone to see. You can also benefit as well from getting adjustments. With everything your body has been through it can help with the fatigue, physical discomforts, anxiety and if you are going through any depression. I hope this was able to help you. And good luck you will get through it, surround yourself around people that will give you tons of encouragement.
Hi J., Now this is just my opinion,but I don't think babies are supossed to put themselves asleep, I never heard that when my babies were babies. I had 3 kids, and I rocked and sang them to sleep every night and everyday nap time, those are treasured moments for me. My babies fell asleep feeling safe and secure, and at that time they slept on their stomachs, and slept fine through the night from 6 weeks and on. In my daycare I have parents who believe the old school way and want their babies on their stomachs and I have other's who want theirs on their backs, the ones who sleep on their stomachs sleep like two hour naps, the ones who sleep on their backs no more than 45 minutes. From experience I think the lack of sleeping in babies today is due to the position they are sleeping. J.
Poor sleep is rough my 6 month old LO has the same problems. My daughter has mild reflux which effects her sleep during the day. Always remember every child is diffrent and has different personalities that show even at early ages. Some are good nappers and some are not. I believe there are some growth spurts at 4 month plus some children begin teething which effect sleep also you will see the same things happen again at 6 months. You just get a routine and bam it changes, cause they are changing. I have been told 30 min naps are a result of being over tired which is a vicous circle and 45 min naps are a sign of not enough activity. I have found these facts to be turn in my LO. Find a routine that works for you and your baby it doesnt have to be perfect but work to some degree. Stick it out but be flexible. Teach them to sleep independently but still be there when they need us its a fine balance and yes a very stressfull one more than once i have had to but my girl down and walk away for a min. Which is okay. Our LO today is sleeping better and better with each passing its just getting threw the rough spots thats hard.
Hi J.,
oh my gosh, your son sounds exactly like my son when he was a baby. I didn't come up with any solution until he was two...totally exhausting.
What helped was adjustments by a chiropractor......I know, weird huh?? But, the thing is, his nervous system was not functioning well due to some misalignments (probably happenned during childbirth)......anyway, after a few adjustments everything started working properly.
I hope this helps, and best wishes to you!
My little girl, 8 1/2 years old now was colicky the first 3 months of her life. I lived off of 2 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period for 2 of those months. I could not breastfeed her and tried about 6 different Formulas. I finally put her on a little bit more expensive formula called Nutramigen. I highly recommend it. When I realized it was working I added just a touch of rice cereal to thicken it and it helped her sleep incredibly. I believe the rest of your sons issues are behavioral. You need to start letting him do the cry out asap once you have figured that he is not colicky and in pain. He might be eating more often because every time he eats, even if it is breast milk (depending on your diet), it could be too much for him and hurts him. Please think about my advice and ask your pediatrician as well if you would like.
i had a rough time too w/ sleep..i would have to have my son sleep on my lap on a pillow while i would sit at the computer or on my lap on the couch..at 4.5 months i would lay down next to him in my bed..i would build a "pillow fort" around him..lay next to him til he fell asleep then i would ...leave a blonde wig and my pj's next to him and sneak out...yep that's what i did..
it worked a lot..if he woke after 30 minutes i would repeat and not have him up i would go lay down w/ him and nurse him back down.
also i used to stand out on my porch w/ him in the stroller and push it back and forth facing him towards a wall so it was boring for him til he fell asleep..then when he would fall asleep after about 20 to 30 minutes of pushing back and forth i would wheel him into his blacked out bedroom and would get about an hour to 1.5 hours of sleep out of him.
He dropped his 3rd nap by 6 months..and was down to 1 nap before he turned 1...but he's 28 months old and b/c i was so hardcore about naps ..he is still napping..his body is so used to napping at 1:30pm that he runs to his crib on his own ...so stick w/ it mama...just make sure you're getting your babe down at the same times every day get his body used to those times and lay down w/ him..i always felt like i was teaching my son how to fall asleep by showing him by sleeping next to him.