I was a daycare teacher for a class of 27 3 year olds and yes there is always going to be pushing and hitting amongst them. If the teachers are bringing it to your attention then it is probably not the normal 3yr old behavior and they want to help correct it before he gets older. Have you asked the situations so you know more clearly- is it any child or the same one?, it just kids or teachers too?, does he want a toy someone has or doesn't want to share a toy he has? I would ask fully so you can help them to be on the same page with his discipline. At school there should be the imidiate discipline and then maybe you could do a sticker chart at home for every good day and work up to so many good days then he gets something special. And start with 3 good days and work up to however many. He will out grow it eventually but you need to be on top of it right now. I just want to say that I had parents who said "well he's only 3" and yes he is 3 but what about when he is 4 or 5. It needs to be stopped at this age. Good luck this age is hard. They say terrible 2 but I think its the 3 because they know what is right and wrong.