I am a mother of three boys. When my oldest, who is now 9, was five, he was complaining of UTI like symptoms. He was constantly itching himself, going to the bathroom every half hour or so, and complaining that it burned when he went to the bathroom. Knowing that UTIs are uncommon in boys, I took him to the doctor to figure out what else could be going on. He thought that possibly his meatus was to small, which could cause these symptoms. My son also had urine cultures, etc. My nephew had the same syptoms and problem, and had to have the outpatient surgery for it. My pediatrician referred us to a pediatric urologist. He said his meatus was a fine size, and immediately said he was constipated (though no symptoms or complaining of that from my son), and Immediately gave us a prepared prescription for a gentle laxative. He said it exremely common in boys to be constipated and to cause urinary symptoms. So, my son took the laxative, and within a day or so, had no more problems or complaining. The urologist said if the symptoms appear again, just give him the laxative. They did, so we gave it to him, and again the sypmtoms disappeared. Now, there is a age difference between our sons, and I am not saying at all that this is his problem, but maybe something to ask your doctor about....especially before trying a laxative (it was a prescription one). Good luck!