I have no idea why people say terrible 2's. Three is way worse, especially for boys, (I think). It's normal and he'll calm down, but not for a while. Stay calm to teach him to be calm. Use whatever works...timeout, distaction, ignoring, whatever. Once, you find out what works, use it. Honestly though, my best advice is to stay calm. For your own sanity. This is also a great age to start learning words for every feeling. Ask him. "Are you angry...are you sad....are you happy?"... Also, encouragement is huge right now. Any time he does something good, focus on that. Try not to give the negative much attention. Give yourself a timeout when you need it. You may need to wait until daddy gets home, but give yourself at least 10 minutes a day, (at least the hard days). A bath soak at bedtime, a couple chapters in a book, a walk around the block. Don't let yourself call a friend, or spend it with your husband, or doing housework, you deserve a 10 minute "YOU" break every day. It really helps. Remember, your son is normal. It's so frustrating but try to think of what he's going through and that it's all a phase of learning emotions and independence. You'll do great.