Need Chiropractor: Seeking Recommendation by "Style"

Updated on April 15, 2008
K.D. asks from San Antonio, TX
13 answers

My husband needs to see a Chiropractor. He used to receive regular adjustments when we lived in another city, but has given up getting treatments since moving to SA in late 2003. He is experiencing a worsening of his migraines and believes that a resumption of adjustments could be helpful.

He describes visits to his last (preferred) practitioner as getting massages from “Alley Oop” (“caveman” for you youngsters!) - he skillfully and forcefully bent and twisted him into pretzel-like shapes to bring his frame back into alignment.

He has seen Chiropractors who rely on heat-packs, machines or a gentle approach but this is not what he is seeking. He really wants a practioner who is physically assertive in his/her treatment.

Any recommendations? Please describe your recommended Chiropractor’s style when you reply. Also, one located in the SA Medical Center area would be the most desirable.

Thank you!

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answers from San Antonio on

K., I go to Precision Sport and Spine. Their Website is most helpful. They do adjustment and decompression. They are great. They use supplements that also adds to the healing process. I have been extremely pleased. They helped me get off of several medication I was using for pain. Great group of people. You deserve to check them out as well.
They are located just off of Blanco on Sir Winston. Phone is ###-###-####. S.

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answers from San Antonio on

My husband and I have been going to the same chiro for over twelve years. We go to Dr. Brad Cudnik at Pecan Valley Chiropractic Center. He is located at 6207 Pecan Valley Drive, ###-###-####. Dr. Michael Stelzer is also at this office. Both of the doctors are great. Their office is not in the Med Center area, but they are worth the drive! We live by Ingram Park Mall and we drive to the southside to see them. Good luck in your search! I hope your husband will give these guys a try.

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answers from San Antonio on

She is not in the medical center, but Doreen Lewis is a good, reliable chiropractor. She on 281 at Bitters. Has your husband ever tried adding a magnesium supplement to his diet? It can work miracles for headaches.

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answers from San Antonio on

Hi K.,
I have a wonderful chiropractor who has helped me tremendously with my back problems. I was suffering from really bad scoliosis . Her name is Tina Grau ,###-###-#### and she is located on Stone Oak Parkway.
She practices the ABC's of body structure. What I really like about her is ,she never took a single X ray, there were no massages or unnecessary things recommended. She tackled my problem head on by re-aligning my spine from top to bottom. She is physically assertive in her treatments . After seeing her for over a year , I have yet to suffer from backaches or migraines( which used to be a daily occurrence before I sought her help) .
I hope this helps

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answers from San Antonio on

K., I know of a chiropractor who goes to my church. His name is O. Lee Fikes. His office is located in a strip mall on the corner of Wurzbach and Exchange Parkway close to Ingram Park Mall. I have never been to see him but know of many people who do.


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answers from San Antonio on

I recommend Dr. Drew Czerminski. He's in Like Oak on Toepperwein and is an AWESOME adjuster!! He practices with his wife, and she's a gentler adjuster. He adjusts manually (with his hands), and will put you into a side posture maneuver (the "pretzal"). He's a specific adjuster (which is GOOD), so if you want to hear the "pops", look no further. I always feel GREAT when I leave. Phone number ###-###-####

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answers from San Antonio on

Call Drs Jordan C White, DC and his wife Carmen. They have
a joint practice at 8647 Wurzbach Rd. ###-###-####

I would suggest that you go (your husband) go in for a consultation before treatment.
I have been a believer in Chiropractic since I was in the
7th grade. Over the years I've gone to some "Nuts" and
also gone to some great ones.
Example: a few years ago I injured my back on a backhole machine and went to one because he was recommended, his
assistant put me on one of those rolling back stretchers and
hurt me more than the backhole had!! She did this without
consulting the Dr. and believe me I never went back, so
that is why I RECOMMEND a consulation visit before treatment.
Just one more thing>>>I am a highly allergic person and have
found over the years that certain foods can give me headaches
and rashes, you might want to start checking what your husband has eaten when he gets a headache!
Good Luck!

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answers from San Antonio on

Hi K.,

I have been seeing an excellent chiropractor since January and my migraines and severe headaches have been, what seems like, totally eliminated. He is an older gentleman, been practicing Chiropractic Medicine for over 53 years and is truly a wonder!! Dr. Jolyn English ###-###-####, located on Wurzbach Road where Exchange Parkway dead ends (at a light). I cannot recommend him highly enough... if your husband tries him I am sure he will be pleased. All of my own family members have seen him, only occasionally, as needed. I have a more serious condition and am still requiring two visits a week for now.

Not sure what you mean by style, he has never used any of those devices or machines on me just manipulatives. He may have them but I have not ever been subjected to them. I do know there is a separate room for Physical Therapy, but I have never had any of that done.

I have seen one other Chiropractor which I have to tell you I did not see much of, because he had his "assistants" work on me the whole time and consequently never received any relief for what I needed... Dr. English, knows me by name and remembers me everytime and what my needs are. He is amazing, give hime a call.

A. C.

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answers from San Antonio on

Our family uses Clay Suggs DC, he is next to Ballys on Loop 410 approx Bandera, 5819 NW Loop 410, 681-333, I have DDD, disk disease, and our adult daughter tore her back ligaments in a car accident, Clay keeps us both walking.
For my treatment he sometimes has me on the floor, so he isn't all massage etc. His first visit is usually free.

M. B

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answers from Columbus on


Before your husband goes to see another Chiropractor I would recommend seeing a physical therapist. They have function-based exercises that strengthen the muscles used in every day life. This type of modality/treatment may benefit him in a more lasting way and if you have insurance they may pay for it, too.

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answers from San Antonio on

I have only ever seen my chiro-and I am turned into a pretzel each time I visit:) Even when I was pg, which was no small feat!! (He "adjusts" his method to what I tell him-I really need to be manhandled to I need it more gentle today)

He is at Huebner by the Luby's in a bright yellow building-
Dr. Craig Honer

He is awesome!

HTH~Tell him C. grant sent you!

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answers from San Antonio on

Hi K. , I used to work for a Chiropractor but his office is on the south side of town , his name is Dr. William Cristy , he is a large man with strong hands and he will take x-rays he will teach you how to sleep with pillows and he will give you a massage with electro stimulation with moist heat .. .. I think he is very good he will also give you a heel lift if you need one ..... You can tell him I referred you to him , My name is Maria Marquez...... I think your husband will like him and maybe you should try it yourself it feel great.... and does wonders ....... He is located in the phone book, his name again is Dr. William Cristy on Flores and Congress Street...

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answers from San Antonio on

I have used Richard Chamblian. He is out on Stone Oak Pkwy off 1604. Back Clinic of Stone Oak. I was knocked down by 2 large dogs and dislocated my tail bone. He gave me treatments and therapy for several weeks. I could go twice a day and pay for 1 visit. He never forced any movement or caused me any discomfort. My son was in 2 auto accidents and suffered back injuries, He swears by him. He kept him moving and able to go to work. His number is ###-###-####. My name is J. LaRo, if you would like to use it, if you give him a call.

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