NEED Easy & Tasty Mexican Salad Recipe

Updated on November 08, 2007
L.B. asks from Carrollton, TX
5 answers

I am attending a Potluck luncheon this Saturday with 8 ladies and the theme is MEXICAN. Somehow I got appointed to bring a salad. I need something that is fairly easy to make, that is easily portable (will be driving for 45-1 hour to get to destination) and where the ingredients are easy to find. However, with all that said it is MOST important that it is delicious! The recipe could be a more traditional salad or ideally one without a pasta or bean salad (again so that the lettuce won't wilt, etc. during travel). Thanks for any/all recipes & ideas. Many Blessings - L.

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answers from Dallas on

Mexican Beef Salad

1 pound lean ground beef
1/2 envelope onion soup mix, about 1/4 cup
3/4 cup water
a few dashes hot pepper sauce
1 medium head lettuce, shredded, about 4 cups
1 cup shredded sharp Jack or Cheddar cheese
1 large tomato, chopped
1/2 cup sliced black olives
1/4 cup chopped green bell pepper
2 cups corn chips
taco sauce

Brown beef in a heavy skillet; drain off excess fat. Sprinkle onion soup mix over beef and stir in water. Simmer, uncovered, until liquid cooks away, about 8 to 12 minutes. Stir in hot pepper sauce.
In a large bowl, combine shredded lettuce, shredded cheese, tomato, olives, and green bell pepper; toss. For each serving, place lettuce mixture on salad plate or bowl, top with some of the meat mixture and garnish taco salad with corn chops. Serve with taco salad with taco sauce.
This taco salad serves 4 to 6.
For homemade corn taco chips, cut corn tortillas into strips and fry briefly in hot oil and use as the garnish for taco salad.
you can mix the letucce when you get there

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answers from Dallas on

I know you said you preferred a salad without lettuce but you can buy a bagged salad that is a mexican salad. It's a lettuce mix with tortilla chips instead of croutons and a delicious dressing that seems to be made of salsa and sour cream. My husband and I really like it.

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answers from Dallas on

Easiest option is the pre-made Salsa Salad. I get it at Kroger or Tom Thumb. It would travel well b/c you would not assemble it until you get there. The salad mix contains the following ingredients in separate containers
-tortilla chips
-salsa for dressing
-sour cream mix for dressing

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answers from Dallas on

Taco Salad Recipe

Tortilla Chips half bag
Sour Cream small container
Black Olives large can
Taco Seasoning Packet
Chopped Lettuce
1 Chopped Tomato
Hamburger Meat 1 lb.

brown Ground beef in Taco Seasoning, then combine all ingredients in a large bowl and toss. It isn't the prettiest of salads but it is very tasty. It needs to me tossed and served immediately. You don't want the chips to get soggy. You could cook the hamburger meat and put it in a bag and all the other ingredients have ready and just mix at the lunch. It is very fast and easy.

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answers from Dallas on

Hi L.,

I have the perfect salad. No lettuce=no wilting. Perfect for travel because it's better when it has time to marinate so the flavors can meld. Also, it's very yummy and everyone always loves it. We make it whenever we have a tamale feast. The only thing is that I don't have an exact recipe. I've made it so many times, I just add the stuff and it turns out great. Maybe just use the black bean/corn amount and add the red pepper, onion, cilantro, and spices at an appropriate ratio. You can double or triple it for a crowd. Here it is:

Black Bean and Corn Salad

2 cans black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can corn, drained (yellow or shoepeg)
red pepper, chopped
red onion, chopped
fresh cilantro, chopped
jalepeno, minced (to taste)
fresh lime juice
cumin (to taste)
salt (to taste)

Combine all ingredients and refrigerate.

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