K. - I started the beginning of this year 28 lbs over where i wish i was and 18 lbs over where i was last summer. For years if i needed to lose weight I would do one of those no carb diets. I loved it and it worked but they were really hard b/c i love my breads and pastas. I also love red meat. I January i really hit it hard going to the gym 4-5 times a week and doing low carb. I'm one of those people that are really motivated by seeing my scale every day. I love when it shows even the slights decrease b/c that way i know i did a good job yesterday and can do it again.
Well - after working so hard and diligently i only lost 2 lbs in January. I'm a very emotional person and it gets worse when it comes to my appearance. The first of Feb. i was seriously at a breaking point. I was depressed and self conscious and couldn't take it anymore.
I called Jenny Craig and set up a time to talk to them and see how their program works. Even when i was in the office with the lady i started crying just b/c i was disappointed in myself and felt miserable and unattractive. I started their 20lbs for $20 promotion. I paid the $20 up front and then buy their food on a weekly basis.
The first two weeks i held strong sticking with mostly their foods (i would supplement here and there) but the meals were wonderful. I love how convenient it is and how i can still cook for my family and not have to worry about my meals b/c they are planned a week in advance and ready to go as soon as i need them. I also go to the gym about 5-7 times a week. I do very intense cardio for 30 minutes. After the first few weeks i started throwing in weight training every other day.
After the first two weeks i couldn't believe how much energy i had and how much weight i was losing. I could tell that my metabolism was picking up. All of this just pushed me even harder. My counselor at Jenny is wonderful although i'm following the program and much happier now so she doesn't really have to work too hard.
I’ve even weaned myself away from the Jenny foods only buying a few of the breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. I stick to my own 100 cal snacks and protein bars.
I know this is long but i just wanted to let you know that I too have been there and this so far has been my saving grace. I've been on the program for 5 weeks and have lost 12.2 lbs according to my weigh in last week. And I’m totally pumped to see how much it is tomorrow.
Jenny is a little expensive but - the new found body, emotions, self esteem, the overall new me is totally worth it.
If you'd like additional info just sent me a message.
Also - I’m not a jenny sales rep i just am truly impressed with the results I’ve seen