Dear M.,
I am 30 years old, have a 2 year old son that was born via C-section. I just had my second boy 6 weeks ago and he was a VBAC. I was kind of facing the same choice as you a couple months ago, so I understand the struggle.
With my first son, I was 2 days overdue and they could see meconium in the fluid, so they induced me...cervadil, pitocin, broke my bag of waters, etc. and I never progressed and the babies heart rate was dropping and not recovering, so ended up with a c-section. We had planned for a natural, vaginal birth and I had a midwife, but the doc who did the c-section told me that my pelvis was too small for my son's head to fit (he did have a big head).
With my second, I was kind of having the same signs that perhaps he would "fit" either...he didn't drop, I wasn't dialating at all, etc. I was preparing for a VBAC, but knew that a c-section might be my only choice.
I was 3 days overdue and we set a date 3 days away for a scheduled c-section and I went into labor on my own that night. I labored at home and went to the hospital a few hours later and I was dilated to 8 cm and just a couple ours later I was pushing my baby out! I went completely natural and it was great! The recovery from my second was so much better than from the c-section.
Even though the natural way was really intense and painful at the time, I am so glad I was able to experience it. Having gone through both I am glad I was able to experience the VBAC. My advice would be to go for the VBAC, but if the repeat C-Section is needed, you can fall back on that...but at least you tried.