Hi K.! I just had to respond to your request. I am a Mom of 2 beautiful girls ages 3 and 10 months, who eat wonderfully. From the moment I had my first daughter all i heard about was other parents complaining how hard it was to get their children to eat healthy foods. They all resorted to fast foods, pre-packagd foods, high in sugar foods etc. Just to get the kids to eat something. Well can I tell you that it's been my mission ever since to make sure that my kids ate healthy and that I didn't have that issue. I was determined not to get caught in that same trap. So I did my homework and still continue to do so. So my advise is this.....A child has no control over it's food............it comes from the parents. So try to remember # it's never too late to start! Sometimes a food has to be introduced over and over again before a tastebud is trained to enjoy it. So never give up with the good healthy foods like fresh, raw, organic fruits and veggies. Our bodies need these to build up immunities to fight colds, sickness and disease. That's the ONLY place we get antioxidents. So with that said keep introducing fruits and veggies in all creative ways. Like cut up in a smiley face or the shape of a heart, car, train, anything that your son would find apealing. Also try things like a veggie plate with peanut butter dip (just warm up the peanut butter in a pan and it gets all loose and great to dip in), or any kind of healthy dip. Get creative. If he likes yogurt then serve that as the dip. Or even better put the yogurt in a blender or food processor and add cauliflower or carrots and blend together for a nutritious dip. You could also make smooties and add veggies into that. The trick is to continue to try and not to give up. Also don't let him win......if he refuses to eat this and you give in and give him the crackers and cheese all your doing is conditioning him to give you a hard time and then he will eventually get what he wants. If you don't give in, eventually he'll get hungry and eat what you give him......and realize he's not the boss. Make meal time fun, not a bad experience. SIng songs aboutthe good healthy food and how it will make us grow tall and strong and be able to run fast......but if he refuses to eat then put everything away and try again in a little while. He WILL eat.......you just have to be more stubborn then him. I hope this doesn't sound mean to you. My husband and I have no problem with our girls eating. We get comments and compliments all the time at what great eaters they both are. My 3 year old will go nuts over a veggie platter, and even choose that over other snack foods. At kids parties she will happily eat healthy choices over junk food. And as she gets older she is telling her Uncles and friends not to eat the bad for you foods such as candy, soda, junk food etc. She has an education on it now, on a level that she understands......like fruits and veggies make you healthy and strong, they make your hair shinny, make you grow taller and run faster. Processed, fast food, junk food and candy all slow you down, make your body feel sick and yuckie and make you run out of energy so you can't play long at the park.
One more thing....no matter what, you should look into getting him on Juice Plus. This product takes 17 organic, raw fruits and veggies, and takes all the sugar and salt out of them, dehydrates them and puts them into capsule form. They even make gummies for little ones to chew. This way the kids think they are getting a little sweet treat and actually you are giving them the equivalent of 6lbs of produce. This stuff is great, especialy for picky eaters. What better way to give your kids a healthy start in life especialy when the foods out there are filled with so much hormones, pesticides, herbisides, perservatives and other harmful JUNK. Oh don't get me started!
Sorry this is such a long response............i am just a Mom who is passionate about keeping our kids healthy and doing what's best for them. One day your son will be 18 and able to make his own choices but for now.........you do the choosing for him and love him enough not to take the easy way out. You can do it!!! Go K. Go! I really hope this can help you. Here's a link to the website for info. on the juice plus I told you about. www.livingwelljuiceplus.com
The best of luck and health to you and your sweet little picky eater!
L. K