He is to little to set up any kind of a schedule like that yet. His tummy is only the size of his fist so he doesn't hold much. And no matter how much you keep him awake during the day, at this point it isn't going to make him sleep more at night. He will still be hungry and wake, and with the lack of sleep he'll be getting he'll be more fussy too. I'd wait until he's 4 wks before setting up any kind of schedule. Neither of my kids were on good day nap schedules until 3 mos. If your breastfeeding (it doesn't sound like you are), bring him in bed with you during the night. You can nurse him (tummy to tummy), just hook him up and let him nurse while you sleep. If your not nursing (which I think is the case) make him more oz at a time. Don't just make 2 oz make 4 and let him eat until he's full. He will push the bottle away when he's done. Maybe he's just not getting full with what your giving him. Also, when my daughter was born, I use to get a few extra hours sleep in the morning by letting my son watch tv in our room. I'd turn on nick jr or playhouse disney and go back to sleep. He was 3 so it was a little like what your going through. But I'd wait before starting any kind of schedule with a newborn. They just aren't ready and you will drive yourself more crazy in the process.