I'm a single Mom to four children ages 7 - 15. About 3 years ago they were absolutely making me crazy in the morning:-) With four of them it was hard to stay on top of who had done what to get ready...
So (confession time) one morning in total frustration, I pulled a piece of construction paper off the shelf. I used a ruler to draw lines across it. Then I wrote:
Note: Comments in paranthesis are not on the chart.
Bathroom (Yes, I needed to say when you get up go to the bathroom)
Meds/Pills (I have one with epilepsy and it works when someone is sick too)
Dressed (Clothes and socks too)
Brush Teeth
Hair (No, they won't automatically think to do it)
Bed Clean (even little ones can straighten their covers)
Car or Table (If we're going somewhere, the car. If we aren't the table, because we homeschool.)
I also used stickers/pictures to illustrate each thing because I had a four year old non-reader at the time. I also think the visual is great.
I also put it right on the refrigerator (central location) and it's been there ever since.
Now, I didn't think it would work. But I started that very morning. We start at the top:
Did you go to the bathroom?
Okay, great! Did you...
If I see one of them get distracted, all I say is, "Did you finish your chart?" Which sends them running to look at it.
It took a couple of weeks for it to become habit, but it did. And now I rarely have to remind them. It has become habit and they use it every day.
I think the key was consistency. Before that I kept trying to change the chart (keep it interesting)... Or I tried to verbally tell them which kept me in the middle chasing them through every morning. They couldn't get a routine going because of it.
Hope it helps!