He just wanted to read it too, before you send it to the parent/babysitter.
He is probably taking it as a business reply, versus a personal letter, to them.
I mean, you "hired" a babysitter. Now she wants to quit and because your child was too much for her. She probably feels bad. She told her Mom. Like any kid would if they have a problem. After all, she is just a kid herself. And she didn't know how to handle it, "professionally."
So now, you told your Husband what happened. Your Husband merely wants to review the e-mail response to the Babysitter's Mom, first. As a precaution. And probably to make sure, it is "neutral" and not all emotional or angry, sounding. Since he probably knows you are a bit miffed, about the whole thing. Right now.
Its called checks-and-balances....of the e-mail, BEFORE it is actually sent, to the Mom of the Babysitter. So there are no regrets, about it or how it was worded.
It is not about "HIS" reputation. It is about, handling this in a manner in which, the Babysitter/her Mom, will be appeased and not cause anymore trouble.... for your family etc. because she quit. And it all ending on a positive, note. Not both parties bad mouthing each other etc.
Not it being about who said what and what my child did or not, or what she did or did not tell us, etc.
The girl, wants to quit. She cannot handle the babysitting. Of 2 kids. She asked her Mom for help, to convey that to you. The Mom e-mailed you. The Mom told you what happened.
And now, there just need to be closure. Of it all. Between all parties.
Sure, you are upset, that the girl did not tell you, she was having a hard time. But she is a kid herself.
But your Husband, wants to make sure any correspondence to them, is, professional. He is not critiquing you. He probably just does not want any trouble, from them.
In any case, me and my husband routinely will run-by something to each other, just to double check it. Before sending it off. Just to see, if other has other, maybe better ideas about wording etc. It is not about who is a better representative, of each other or the family.