I absolutely LOVE the Mela products as well as many of the posters below. I actually have never heard someone say before that the laundry detergent doesn't WORK- that was surprising to read. They are one of the first products that everyone raves about- because they use high quality ingredients that actually DO work! All of their products are 100 percent money back guaranteed, so why would someone continue to use something that didn't work...for years???? Perhaps some other issue under lying in that comment, maybe? I used to use Tide but I can say I never looked into my washer and thought WOW, my clothes look really clean! Now I do that with every load! And I no longer have the asthma attacks I used to AND I can use their naturally derived softener!
Green is a very tricky word, and one that many manufacturers exploit. For myself and my family, the evidence is in our improved health, no longer having to rely on medications to breathe, etc. THAT means the world to me! And I LOVE the reasonable prices! Don't take someones word for it- try it for yourself to see! :)