I bought my child the "Sit to Stand" walker from Toys R Us. Its not an ordinary walker so kids love it. My daughter plays with it constantly, and it even cracks me up. (It plays music but half way through the song, it switches the notes to animal sounds). My child also liked this floor mat that makes sounds when you step on it. I showed her how to do it once, and she's been going at it ever since.
If you don't want to buy anything, we practiced letting her take a few steps between me and her grandpa. Just sit face to face, maybe 2ft apart, and let her take a step toward the other person. As she gets the hang of it you can move further and further apart. We made such a big deal everytime she got to one of us (regardless of if she took steps or fell) that she wanted to keep doing it all the time. This is how she learned to branch out on her own. Her first steps were taken after she stood up on her own, 2ft from me.
Honestly, even though you may not like it much, she will walk when she wants to. At 11 months, I think shes a little early if not right on time. So you shouldnt worry yet. My child started cruising around 6-7 months, but didnt walk until 13 months. Kids do what they want. Accept it now, or figure it out later :) Good Luck, to you and your family!