Hi Jami,
I tried to breast feed with both of my kids. With my first, I got a staph infection while in the hospital and I was on some pretty heavy antibiotics. That and the stress of it all, I wasn't able to breast feed. Well, with my second baby, I started it and I found it stressful. I would nurse her for what seemed like hours at a time. I mean she would go and go for like an hour and a half. Then she wouls sleep for very, very long spans of time. I was worried that I wasn't giving her enough either. I finally went to see a lactation specialist 2 weeks after she was born. This was after I had many breakdowns, and cried a lot. It turns out, I wasn't giving her anything. She hadn't gained any weight, not even an ounce in 2 weeks. It was awful. That day, I started pumping and supplementing and gave her a bottle. SHe ate like there was no tomorrow, and she has continued to eat. Imagine my horror though when the nurse told me I was practically starving my little girl.
I pumped for 10 weeks and during that time, I did have to supplement with formula because I didn't produce much. She wasn't a good sucker so that is why I had to bottle feed her. I felt a little like a failure as a mother, but once she started eating regularly, she was like a brand new baby. She was perkier, and slept more regularly. I was able to relax, and once I knew she was fine, I was okay. I know that breast feeding is supposed to be so natural, and so good for your baby, but I have 2 very healthy children and one I didn't breast feed except for a few days and one got 10 weeks of breast milk. My children are bottle fed, and I have bonded with them just fine, and they are no healthier or less healthier than some of my friends kids who were breast fed. You have to be comfortable, and completely relaxed to breast feed, and if you aren't there is no shame in it. You are doing good. Keep trying, but please don't feel like you HAVE to do this.